Things Our Kids Say

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Presley's POV

I quietly tipped across the floor in the dawn's early light. Unable to find my shirt in the dim light coming through the blinds, I grabbed the black CWW hoodie closest to me on the floor knowing I could pass it off for one of mine. Finding my shoes, I hurried to the doorway. I paused looking back at the sleeping man on the wrecked bed biting my lip. Last night never should have happened. But I'll be damned if I could make myself regret it right now. It was one night that never needed to be repeated again.

I fled down the stairs slipping my shoes on before stepping out into the brisk morning. I climbed in my Expedition wincing at the blinking light on my phone knowing there were missed calls and texts on it. The kids hadn't been my concern since they had stayed with Mama Becky last night at their request. On the drive to her house had been when I had found out about Brantley telling them they could go with him. I had been so angry I hadn't thought twice about coming to confront him.

All sorts of thoughts whirled through my mind on the drive home. I struggled with the guilt of what we had done. Of course it hit me now because last night it had been the furthest thing on my mind. That fiery chemistry. That raw passion. It is exactly what scared the living hell out of me. I knew all too well how easy it was to get caught up in it then have it all come crashing down. I could not put myself through it again.

Running a finger across my swollen lips, I squeezed my thighs together as last night played like a movie in my head. Turning onto my street, I was trying to lock down all I was feeling. I had to get through work today. That and I prayed Ashley wouldn't call later. Swear she could detect something being up with me even through the phone. I spied the grey BMW parked with a wince. I kind of hoped Chris was stopping by to grab something he had left here and not staying. Parking and climbing out, I grabbed my phone darting into the house. My foot had hit the first stair when I looked up seeing my frowning boyfriend paused midway looking at me.

"Where have you been Presley?" Chris questioned his pale blue eyes narrowing behind his wire framed glasses. Thankfully he was dressed in scrubs so he was on his way to work. I spotted his stethoscope in his hand remembering he had left it here the other day. He split his time between my house and his apartment near the hospital in Athens. He ran a hand over his shaggy black hair. Been too busy to get a hair cut again. Something I needed to remind him to get before we went to his parents. I groaned thinking about it not really wanting to go myself. Shelia was not a huge fan of me because I had been married before along with having kids already. Then throw in who my ex-husband was. Chris walked down getting even with me on the stairs. "I tried calling several times last night. Then this morning on my way by here. Where are the kids?"

"They stayed at Becky's last night," I answered shoving my hands into the pocket of Brantley's hoodie. Having several myself is the only reason Chris wouldn't question my sweatshirt. "Ashley was having a bad night. We drank a little too much wine and I fell asleep over there. I had cut my ringer off knowing if something came up with the kids Ash or Eli could be reached."

"And what about me?" Chris snarled rolling his eyes. I sighed climbing up a step to lean over kissing his smooth cheek.

"I knew you were at work babe," I lied smoothly. Seeing him nod, I realized he had bought my lie. Last thing he needed to know was that I had spent the night tangled up in the sheets with my ex-husband. I reached up ruffling his hair earning me a smile. "Need to make sure you find time to get a hair cut Doctor Danvers. Your mother will have a fit saying you don't look dignified."

"Yea about that," Chris said with a quiet chuckle. "We are going to have to go another weekend." I hid the relief swirling through my veins. "I was asked to give a speech at a lecture this weekend in Dallas. Mom and Dad know we aren't coming. I really hate it because Grandmother was looking forward to meeting the kids. You going to be okay this weekend while I am gone?"

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