Why?: Part I

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Ashley's POV

Grumbling under my breath, I pulled into Presley's driveway parking on the other side of her SUV. I had a bone to pick with my best friend and she was about to pay the piper. The kids had all gotten out at lunchtime today for a three-day weekend. Not that I minded, but I had been a little shocked at my god kids calling last night wanting to spend the weekend with us.

Pres had mentioned Chris was at a medical conference in New York. They hadn't wanted to go with Brantley on the road. Got the feeling from both of them when I'd picked them up that they were not happy with their parents right now. Hell, I wasn't happy with them either. Brantley had been hiding like a little bitch in Nashville "song writing" or on the road.

Presley had a bazillion excuses on grading papers or still recovering from being sick. Heifer you had the flu two weeks ago. More like their asses were hiding from Eli and both for a reason. That reason being the shiny rock now only Presley's ring finger.

I climbed out stalking up the walkway into the house like I owned the place. I found Presley sitting on the couch with her chin rested on her knees staring off into space. She let out a surprised yelp seeing me standing there glaring at her with my arms crossed over my chest. I snapped my fingers.

"Get to talking right now Presley Katherine," I growled through clenched teeth my blonde ponytail swinging with each step closer to her. "What in the ever living fuck is up with you?"

"Huh," she gasped shaking her head not meeting my eyes. "I am fine Ash. Just enjoying some peace and quiet. No problems with the twins is there?"

"Pfftt..." I scoffed throwing a pillow at her. "The twins are fine. Video game marathon going on and the girls were trying to give Eli a makeover when I left. No something is up. Pretty sure it involves that shiny ring on your finger. So.... spill.... it."

"Ashley," Presley said painting a smile on her face. One that did not reach her eyes. "I am fine. I was gonna call you actually to see if you wanted to go look at wedding dresses this weekend. Thought the girls would have fun with that."

"Pretty sure if we drug Bailey to do that she would set the dress on fire," I said with a smirk. "The kids aren't happy about this Pres. Don't you see that."

"It's just an adjustment," she said trying to reason with me. It fell on deaf ears. Hers and mine. "Not that much is gonna change."

"Like hell it won't. A lot is going to change and you know it!'' I snapped. I saw the stubborn gleam in her brown eyes pushing my temper over the edge. I turned on my heel starting up the stairs. "That's it. Your ass is getting out of town. Swear to all that is holy if you fight me, I will beat your ass just like I did in kindergarten over that doll!" I stomped up the stairs heading into Presley's closest pulling down one of her duffle bags throwing in jeans, random shirts then walked back out laying it on the bed. Presley ran over trying to start unpacking it, but I slapped her hand away pointing at the bed for her to sit. "You better spill right now. You have been off for weeks. You're not pregnant again are you?"

"What the fuck Ash!" Presley yelped glaring at me. "Hell no I am not."

"Well you have that jumpy look you had when you found out you were pregnant with the twins," I told her with a shrug. "You were terrified to tell B as I recall. Why the attitude, I mean Doctor D asked you to marry him so I guess more kids are in the cards? Though I pray they have your genes and not his douchey ones."

"Ash..." she started to argue but stopped at my glare.

"Nope," I snarled throwing random sets of underwear in the bag. I held up a particularly sexy pair of black panties with a smirk. I saw Presley's eyes focus in on what was in my hand biting her bottom lip. That hungry look right there I knew all too well coming from her. Never, ever had I seen it directed at Chris that was for sure. What I had in mind was perfect then. "I guess I shouldn't pack these huh. Too sexy for where I am sending you."

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