Ones That Like Me Love Me

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Brantley's POV

A soft hand trailing across my chest pulled me from my sleep as I blinked against the Vegas sun filtering through the curtains. With a sleepy smile, I looked down at Presley curled against me. She had flown in to join me late Friday night after getting off work. She had spent Saturday hanging with the girls while I had been busy with interviews. Thankfully no bail money had been needed.

The grin on her face when she had met up with me later that day was worth the worry of the trouble, I knew they were capable of. Bailey had pouted before I left about not getting to come as well. Was a good thing because my baby girl and her Aunt Caroline probably would have been chasing men around with that damn ruler. Fairly sure they had Cole and Chase scarred at this point.

Pulling Presley closer to me I smoothed a hand down her bare silky skin. If someone had told me six months ago, I would have her in my arms like this again I would have laughed in their face. Called them certified lunatics for thinking this woman would have given me a second chance. The last couple of weeks had been great. I thought about the look Jana had given Presley last night seeing us together. Pres, being Pres, had met it head on with a smirk not caring a bit that Jana was trying to act offended. There was no love lost between my ex-wife and ex-girlfriend for damn sure.

Hell, was Presley considered my girlfriend now? Hell, if I knew. I'd weasel a ring back on her finger sooner rather than later. A sleepy sigh passed her kiss swollen lips making a grin twitch mine thinking about last night. That dress and not being able to keep my hands off her was the cause of us calling it a night earlier than any of our friends would have liked. Luke had covered Caroline's mouth against the comments while we were ducking out.

Rolling to my side careful not to wake her, I eased the sheet down pressing my lips to each inch of soft skin I uncovered. A quiet moan slipped out, but Presley remained fast asleep. Easing the sheet down further I exposed one pink tipped nipple to the cool air of the room watching it pucker before closing my lips over it biting gently. Her brown eyes flew open meeting mine as I smirked around her nipple doing it again.

"Ouch!" Presley hissed smacking the top of my head lightly. So not the reaction I was planning on getting from her.

"What?" I asked leaning up to hover over her my arms braced on either side of her. "That hurt?"
"Yea it did," Presley said with a quiet laugh grabbing my beard pulling my lips down to hers. "It's a little sensitive for some reason."

"You don't think..." I said studying her intently a smile tugging at my lips only to get smacked in the shoulder. "Well, it is a reasonable question baby."

"No," she said with a snort rolling her eyes wrapping her arms around my neck. "I know I am not. We have two hellions at home. We just got back together. Hell, I get confused on whether to call you my ex-husband or my boyfriend. I don't think we need to add anymore to the Gilbert brood right now. Think it is safe to say we have our hands full with Bales and Bow."

"But we can practice right," I chuckled darkly lifting her leg to wrap around my waist pressing closer to her given her a seductive smile lowering my face closer to hers. "I mean, it is a hell of a lot of fun."

"By all means," Presley purred lowly rocking her core against my growing erection. "Let's practice away." Gently slipping into her warm channel I let out a groan capturing her lips letting the feel of her body wrapped around mine take over. God, I loved this woman and how I'd lived so long without her this way I don't know. Snapping my hips back to increase my rhythm to a pace I knew drove Presley wild, I rocked her body back causing her eyes to immediately fly open. Slim hands pushed into my chest taking me by surprise causing me sit push up sitting back on my knees as Presley scrambled away from me darting to the bathroom. Not a second later I could hear the faint sounds of her emptying the contents of her stomach prompting me to rub a hand over my beard before slipping off the bed grabbing the pair of sweatpants off the chair slipping them on. I grabbed my t-shirt before quietly stepping into the bathroom.

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