The Way We Were

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Presley's POV

It felt weird leaving school alone two days in a row but hey, the kids were enjoying time with their dad. Reaching up to straighten my ponytail, I decided to call Chris and see if he was free. He had stopped by the house for a few minutes before going to the hospital last night. I wouldn't be able to see him tomorrow night because I had a standing date with Brantley and the kids. Birthdays were one thing we had always tried to celebrate as a family.

Chris and I had been dating for three years. I knew at times he wasn't exactly thrilled that my ex-husband was also my best friend, but the dynamic worked for us. Our kids were happy and stable. They came first for both of us. I'm sure if Brantley had a normal nine to five job, visitation might be a little different. But he didn't so we made it work. Chris answered about the time I climbed in my SUV. I let the Bluetooth connect so I could talk to him.

"Hey babe," Chris said smothering a yawn. I could picture his sleepy blue eyes right now. "You just leaving school?"

"Yea," I said pulling out of the parking lot. "I know you are on call but wanted to know if you felt up to grabbing an early dinner."

"Where are the munchkins?" he said with a quiet laugh. The kids got along with Chris, but they weren't huge fans of him. Guess it was because he was the exact opposite of their dad. Let's just say when you compared some of B's friends to him, well stories from the ER weren't that interesting when you were eight. That and they had dyed his hair hot fluorescent titty pink a few months ago. Ashley loved to telling me that I took the boring route this go around.

"They went to Atlanta with Brantley for the afternoon," I explained stopping at the red light tapping my nails on the steering wheel. I frowned at my cuticles making a mental note to drag Ashley for trip to the nail salon with the girls soon. I heard Chris's beeper go off and sighed. "Take it duty calls huh."

"I'm sorry honey," he said quietly. "Why don't I come by Sunday afternoon. Can take the kids for pizza if you want to?"

"Sounds like a plan," I answered with false cheeriness turning on my street. Sadly, I may have a boyfriend but there were times I spent more time with my ex-husband than him. "I'm sure they will love that."

"It's a date," Chris said with a quiet laugh. I could hear commotion in the background. "Got to go babe. Love you."

"You too," I said right as the phone clicked ending the call. My shoulders slumped pulling in the driveway. There went the plans I would have liked to have had tonight. I just felt like Chris and I had been out of sync lately. I knew he was busy with work. He had brought up the subject of marriage during the holidays. I had honestly been floored because I really hadn't given any thought to getting married again. Don't think me being so quiet was the reaction he was expecting. Grabbing my stuff, I headed into the quiet house.

Friday night and I had it to myself for a while. No doubt the twins would come home one of two ways. Completely given out or wound for sound. It was a toss up when they went to hang out with the boys. Although Ben was less prone to ply them with sugar since I'd sent their hyper asses home with him one time. Told him he did it, he could deal with it. With a smile, I dropped my school bag on the counter heading to the cabinet pulling out a bottle of wine. Peace and quiet, wine, and a bubble bath were on my agenda. I opened the bottle, grabbed a glass, then headed towards the stairs kicking my shoes off as I went.

Later I walked back downstairs feeling relaxed in my favorite flannel pajamas the kids had gotten me last Christmas. No kids home meant I wouldn't hear any comments about me binge watching Hallmark Channel movies. With a bowl of popcorn, I settled in letting the romance on screen take me away. Idly, I thought about marriage again. Addictions aside, it wasn't that my and Brantley's marriage was that bad.

We'd already been talking about it when I found out I was pregnant with Bailey and Bowen. After the better part of ten years together off and on it had seemed natural to do. The drinking had slowed down for a while. Then it had gotten worse and he wouldn't stop no matter how much I begged. So I'd made the choice to walk away. Over time since the divorce we'd found a system that worked for us. Brantley really was my best friend.

No matter how busy his schedule could be I knew all I had to do was pick up the phone. There had been a time that I felt like something was left unresolved between us. Guess I had been wrong since we both had moved on with our lives. I let the wine and my thoughts over take me lulling me to sleep.

A hand settling on my leg made me jerk awake with a gasp. I heard a low chuckle as I sat up. I glanced over at a smirking Brantley sitting on the end of the couch. Brushing my honey blonde hair out of my face, I rubbed at my eyes. I kicked my foot out catching his leather covered arm.

"You scared me asshole," I grumbled pulling my fuzzy blanket up to wrap around me. Brantley slumped down on the couch kicking his feet up on the coffee table. I was too tired to even fuss at him. Out of habit I leaned against the corner of the couch putting my feet in his lap. Also, if was really honest with myself the sight of him in a backwards hat still made my heart flutter after all these years. He tugged at the fuzzy socks I was wearing with a quiet laugh. "Where are the kids?"

"Upstairs and in bed," he answered me with a yawn rolling his eyes at the movie on tv. "They were both worn out. Bowen's fingers will probably be sore tomorrow."

"Jamming out with BJ huh," I said with a grin. That kid loved music. Had tagged along with Brantley to the studio for the last album just to watch things happening. "I am sure Bailes entertained herself with Ben as always."

"The dumbass had her going through Tinder for him," Brantley sighed making me crack up. "Said she was the Gilbert who had decent taste in women. That even Bowen couldn't be trusted because he has a crush on some snotty fifth grader. Her words exactly."

"He's not wrong," I giggled earning me a low growl. One that used to make my knees tremble. "Oh come on B. You know I tolerate Jana's high maintenance ass just for you."

"I could say the same about Doctor Douche," he muttered toying with the toe of my sock. I rolled my eyes at him. Then I thought about the conversation I had put off telling him about. If Chris was considering what I was almost sure he was, Brantley needed to know. Not that he had any say, but because it would affect the kids.

"Speaking of him," I said quietly. Brantley turned his head. Those green eyes that knew me so well studying me intently. "I need to tell you something."

"Finally kicking him to the curb," he snickered as I flipped him off. "Come on Pres, I see you more than he has lately."

"He's been busy at the hospital," I argued defending Chris. "And it's your down time right now is the only reason. If you would find a girlfriend who could actually cook you wouldn't be here pouting for meals. I am sure she is a pro at ordering out."

"And give up your chicken and dumplings," Brantley muttered with a glare. I knew he was deathly serious. "Hell no woman. I did not lose my food privileges in the divorce."

"Only you B," I giggled running my fingers over my blanket. I sighed. "In all seriousness though. Chris brought up the subject of marriage over the holidays."

"Oh," Brantley said so quietly I almost didn't hear him. I was honestly afraid of his reaction. He cleared his throat toying with one of his rings not looking at me. "Is that something you want?"

"I guess so," I admitted shrugging my shoulders. "We've been together for three years. I'm not getting any younger. Aren't relationships naturally supposed to progress to that?"

"But do you love him?" he grumbled running a hand over his face. Something I knew all too well he did out of agitation. Both of us had to know a discussion like this was coming one day.

"In my own way I do," I said softly. Brantley cut his eyes over to me in question. "I mean I do. Is it a different love than what I had for you? Yes. You are the father of my children. My best friend."

"Yea," he murmured dropping his leads and standing up. I got a quick nod noticing he had locked his face down. Brantley leaned over bracing a hand on the back of the couch brushing a soft kiss on my forehead. He turned heading to the front door. "Night Pres. Make sure everything is locked up tight after I leave okay. I'll see y'all tomorrow."

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