I Haven't Forgotten

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Brantley's POV

You know that deep, deep sleep that you get when you are past the point of tired? Yea, they completely forget to tell you that not being interrupted goes out the window once you become a parent. Sleep the night before had been allusive until the early hours before dawn. I had finally gotten Jana to answer me calling on my way home from dropping the kids off. After promising I would try to get up there this week between tour rehearsals, she finally stopped fussing about her hair. The conversation with Presley had bothered me more than I wanted to admit so I turned to writing to not think about it. Knees landed in the middle of my back while the pillow was yanked from under my head making me growl.

"Dad!" Bailey and Bowen both yelled in my ear as I blinked my eyes trying to wake up. "Get up!"

"No," I grumbled yanking the pillow out of Bowen's hands throwing it back over my head. "I don't wanna and y'all can't make me."

"But Daddy," Bailey giggled hitting her little hand right between the pistols on my back. "It's your birthday. You have to get up."

"I can always call Mamaw to make you get up," Bowen laughed making me shift the pillow to glare at him. My son smirked at me. I reached up pushing the brim of his ball cap down. Bailey leaned down kissing my cheek then tugged gently at the ear ring closet to her.

"Leave your Mamaw out of this," I snarled playfully knowing I wasn't too old for my mama to beat my ass. A smell coming from downstairs teased my nose. "That waffles I smell?"

"Duhhh," Bailey giggled jumping off my bed running towards the door. "What does Mama always make for anyone's birthday? She doesn't burn them like you do."

"That was one time Bailes!" I yelled rolling over as Bowen took off after her. He was starting to get taller than her and it was driving her crazy. I slowly sat up with a yawn. "Damn kids. Don't let me live down anything."

I climbed out of bed stretching before heading into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Still half asleep, I followed my nose to the kitchen. The twins were arguing over something at the table while Presley's back was to them at the coffee pot. I snatched a piece of bacon off the platter popping it in my mouth. The sun coming through the windows making Presley's hair shine like gold in the messy bun she had it in stopped me.

I reminded myself to not notice the curve of my ex-wife's ass in the workout leggings she was wearing. She turned around raising an eyebrow at me passing over a cup of coffee. I glanced down at my bare chest and sweatpants with a shrug. My damn house I could wear what I wanted.  Wasn't like it was something she hadn't seen before. I took a sip of coffee as she pushed past me to check the waffles. I walked over leaning my back against the counter.

"Thank you for the breakfast," I said gruffly. Presley turned her head giving me a smile. "I wasn't expecting to see y'all until later."

"Well it is your birthday old man," Presley teased bumping me with her hip. "Happy Birthday B." I saw her bite her lip and something in her brown eyes. I gave her a knowing look getting a sigh in return. "I was up early so thought why not."

"And..." I drawled quietly pressing her to continue. She busied herself with the waffle iron looking back over her shoulder to make sure the kids weren't paying attention to us. Laying a hand on the fleece covered shoulder beside me, Presley huffed out a sigh knowing I knew something was up.

"Fine," she said lowly. "Chris woke me up with a bitchy phone call this morning okay."

"Do what?" I asked gruffly. Presley winced at my tone looking at her hands. "Pres....."

"One of the ER nurses lives near me," she grumbled rolling her eyes. "Came by on her way for the late shift. Saw your truck in the driveway. Chris was pissed because it was so late on a Friday night."

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