Chapter Sixx

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Alan's P.O.V

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Who do you have a crush on? Better, Austin?" he asked.

"Yes, very. Um, well... I like... Ashby."

"Ooh. Hot, skater boy, ginger, Alan Ashby?"


"Damn. You have extremely good taste." he smirked.

"God, he's such a tease. When he handed his test it he 'accidentally' dropped his pencil, and fucking bent down right in front of me! And he skates into class, and locks eyes with me while putting his beanie on! Ugh!"

God damn. His name is Austin? Oh my god, I loved the way it rolled off my tongue.

Austin Carlile.

Austin Carlile

Austin Carlile

I walked away from Mr. Carlile's room with the most triumphant smile on my face.

Yes! The plan worked! I need to call Vic.

After about four rings he picked up.

"Aye fool. What's up?"

"You won't believe what happened!" I squealed.

"Enlighten me."

And that's exactly what I did. From when I handed in my test earlier, to what I heard when I was listening in on his conversation with Mr. Perry.

"So, you eavesdropped and got good information. Is that what you're telling me?"

"I wasn't eavesdropping. I was simply listening without their knowledge."

"That, my friend, is the definition of eavesdropping."

"Whatever. The point, is that the plan worked! So what do we do next?"

"We continue teasing until he fucks you over a desk."

"Well that was.. blunt."


"Oh, by the way.. You might want to ask Mikey over there about Mr. Perry. There's somethin going on there."

"Oh my god!" He said, bursting into laughter. "We're gonna tease the shit out of him! You know that right?"

"Hell yeah."

"Okay, I'm gonna go make sure I have good material for English tomorrow."

"Alright. Night, asshole."

"I've lost my fucking mind! It happens all the time. 'Cause I can't stand myself. I'm an asshole, baby!"

"You're such a dork."

"But I'm your dork."

"No, you're Kellin's dork. You're my best friend."


"Night, Victor."

"Night, babes."

I loved Vic. He was my best friend. I used to have a huge crush on him, and a part of it is still there, but he's with Kellin and I don't want to ruin the friendship. So, I'm focusing on Mr

Vic's P.O.V

I sighed, walking into my brother's room.


"Hey. How're you holding up?" he asked, pulling me into a hug. Kellin had just broken up with me. He'd gotten some girl pregnant and decided to take responsibility. I mean, I never really had a huge 'spark' with Kellin, but I did love him, just not enough. I sighed, the man that I've always had a crush on likes another guy, and I'm helping him land that guy!


Alan Ashby. You sexy motherfucker.

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