Chapter 29 - The Fallen One

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" (Y/N)! " Mika cried out in worry.

" I'm fine! " (Y/N) reassured him as the male jumped back and licked his lips.

" Who are you? " (Y/N) demanded as she got into her stance.

" Ehh?! You don't remember me? No way! After all, I'm your otouto, onee-san. " the male had a feral grin as he said the last word sarcastically.

" Huh? "


" What do you mean? Otouto? " Mika asked in confusion as (Y/N) had frozen in place.

She was so out of it that she didn't realise that her so called 'otouto' has made a move to kill her.

" (Y/N)! Watch out! " Mika yelled to no avail.

Fortunately, Achmetha and Adaliah sensed the danger and had respectively transported (Y/N) while the other deflected the attack.

" H-Haru...? Oi, Achmetha. He's Haru, right? Right?! " (Y/N) asked desperately and clutched onto Achmetha's sleeve.

" My lady, that is him. However, do remember that he is no longer the younger brother you used to know years ago. If he was, he would have not attacked you at all. Please do not let your emotions cloud your judgement. " Achmetha advised however it fell upon deaf's ears as tears were slowly trickling down (Y/N)'s cheeks.

" Haru...Haru! " (Y/N) cried out and ran towards him with her arms stretched out in front of her but was then unexpectedly stabbed in the shoulder by him.

" Ne, how did my once powerful onee-san reduce to such a crybaby like you? I was hoping for more of a fight but it seems that you're not even worthy of my time. " Haru grunted but was then shocked by (Y/N)'s sudden action of hugging him tightly.

" Mikaela-san, I advise you go somewhere safe for now. I'm sure my lady will explain to you soon but as of now, this is a personal situation and you should be more aware that you are losing blood fast and that you should take Yuu-san somewhere much safer than a possible crossfire. " Adaliah said as she appeared next to Mika.

" But— " Mika protested weakly but Adaliah placed her hand on his shoulder.

" Trust me. It's what my lady would want. " she assured before teleporting him to a close shelter.

" Oi! Get off of me! Since when were you like this, trash?! " Haru snarled and viciously ripped (Y/N) off of him and threw her several metres away from him.

" You are so dumb. Running to me defenceless, not doing anything about the stab wound I gave you and then hugging me? Are you crazy? " Haru asked as he cleaned the blood off of his sword.

" No, I'm not. It doesn't matter to me right now if you are evil or good. On my side or not. Because knowing that you are alive is good enough for me right now. " (Y/N) looked up with tears in her eyes.

" Pathetic. Such weakness. " Haru mumbled.

" That's exactly why you should of done away with her the moment I said you could reveal yourself. " a voice said causing everyone to look at the approaching figure who was wearing a long, black dress hugging her figure and a face veil which covered her face from being seen.

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