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A/N Hey!! Sup, guys? So um real quick... I love long comments. I don't like, "Update!" And stuff like that so yeah, get to it...

Also, the QNA will come up once I have one more question! So please, can someone ask me a question you've been wanting to know the answer to? Pretty please?!

Alrighty, see y'all later,


Dumbledore sat across from Remus and I, his hands folded on the desk in front of him. His face looked to be in pure concentration as he processed what we had just told him.

"So," he began slowly, "you were told that if you don't give yourself to You-Know-Who, then your parents, brother, and friends will be punished?" I hesitated and answered after a few moments with a feeble, "Yes." Dumbledore eyed me curiously, leaning back in his chair. Remus was pulling a hand through his growing brown hair stressfully, I bet he was thinking about what would happen to him of Voldemort figured out what he was. My hands were shaking slightly, I knew the time was getting shorter to make my decision. Should I give myself to Voldemort and become a DeathEater, or should I refuse and let my family and friends be tortured- or worse... Dead.

"I don't know what to do, Headmaster. I'm afraid." I said softly. I thought for a moment and before Dumbledore could open his mouth, I said rather bitterly,

"And seeing as there had been legit DeathEaters on school property who harmed not one, but ruffly four or five students. One, who happens to be me, had been tortured. And before you say that you have thoroughly checked the school and put many enchantments around it, I have emotional damage that can mostly likely never be fixed. My parents are just putting up with you, Sir." Dumbledore gives me a pointed look but doesn't say anything to enrage me further.

"I understand that, Jamie. I will write to your parents and the Ministry explaining the situation. With The Dark Lord growing," He hesitated for a second, "it is best that you and your family are under the care of aurors (a/n night not have spelt that right; sorry!)." I nod my head and stand, pulling a nervous Remus up with me,

"Thank you, sir." He nods and starts scribbling on a piece I parchment as we leave. Remus wraps an arm around my shoulder and squeezes me against him,

"I'm sure everything will be fine, Amber. Don't worry." I sigh and lean my head on my best friends shoulder,

"I hope."

"Hey, Peter." I said nervously as I sat next to him in Muggle Studies. Peter was a half-blood so I'm not quite sure why he'd be here to learn about how he lives. He looked up at me and gave me a small smile,

"Hi, Jamie." He said shyly. I shifted in my seat so that I was facing him,

"You good?" I asked, hoping I could have a literal conversation with him. He sighed and frowned. Whoa, I've never gotten that reaction from him before,

"No, Jamie. I'm not. I'm tired of everyone thinking in stupid." I was confused, he never spoke like this, but I looked at him with soft eyes,

"You are not stupid, Peter. It's just that you're sometimes-" "Sometimes crazy? Cooky? Mentally unstable? I know, I know I am. I get nervous and things just happen." I patted him on the back. I saw Sirius and James walk in just as Professor Merrythought began the lesson. They gave me confused looks but I shook my head and looked back down at Peter,

"We like your craziness. You give make us laugh, and I really appreciate you, Peter. Don't feel down. You are amazing, don't change yourself." I said in a hushed time before focusing on the lesson about 'VHS player'.

"Amber, James, Headmaster Dumbledore would like to see you." Professor Merrythought said at the 30 minute mark of the lesson. He looked around the room, spotting me leaning on Sirius who had his arm around my shoulders as we were trying to fit a VHS tape into the player. I patted Sirius' chest and kissed his cheek and walked out of the class with James after grabbing our belongings.

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