The Werewolf and the Blood.

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A/N This chapter might be sucky, I'm sorry! I should be at school right now, but i don't feel well...Anyways, I own nothing from the amazing Harry Potter world, I only own Jamie Amber Potter so far :-P

Amber stared at the two animagus' in shock. No, Remus Lupin, one of the nicest and sensible guys their age could not be a werewolf. It's not possible.

"Your joking." Amber barked to them as the screaming became more huskier, and dog like. James shook his antlered head,

"No, I'm not joking, now come on!" Amber I obeyed and followed her brother and his best friend up the old, rickety staircase, every step they took there would be a squeak.

There was growling coming from one of the rooms when they got to the top floor. A rat scurried towards James, and squeaked very loudly, "Who's that?"

Amber looked at the rat as it pointed its tail at her large form. Sirius nudged her head with his, and she spoke in a soft, quiet bark, "Amber."

The rat looked confused, but now was not the time to explain anything, the growling got louder and louder from inside the room.

James nudged open the door with his antlers, and the four animagi trotted in. There, hunched over in the corner of the room sat a large, grey wolf.

His head snapped up as they trotted in, and its tail wagged a few times, seeing the stag, the dog, and the rat that usually comes to see it, but then it hunched its back and bared its teeth at the new dog.

Amber laid down, and put her head down, showing the wolf she means no harm. The wolf got up and walked very slowly towards her still figure.

The wolf circled her twice, and sniffed around her. Seeing that she was no threat, it backed off and began to play fight with the large black dog.

Amber gave a huff of relief, and got up, joining the play fight with the wolf and Sirius. He bit her leg-lightly-and she nipped his ear. Sirius barked happily and nipped Remus' tail.

James was watching, just incase the wolf decided that the copper and black streaked dog was a threat. The wolf pulled away from the little fight, and turned to the door, and walked out.

James ran out after it, and led it back into the room as it snarled at him. Amber ran to the two and nudged the wolf's side. It turned and stepped away from the stag, and went to the black dog.

James nodded his head in thanks, and Amber ran back to the dog and wolf. The wolf started to get agitated for no reason, and snapped at the black dog.

The wolf bit down on its left back leg, and Sirius howled in pain. Blood flowed from the wound, as the white, sharp, piercing teeth of the wolf had turned red. Amber bit it's tail, making it turn on her.

The wolf swiped its sharp claws across her chest, her copper colour now turning a red. She howled in pain also, but lunged for its leg, and bit it.

James used his antlers to throw the wolf across the room, and looked down at Amber who was helping Sirius up. Sirius whimpered, and buried his snout in her fur.

Blood was coming from all three animals, the wolf was snarling at the two dogs, and was getting ready to charge.

James again used his antlers to move Sirius, an right when he did the wolf charged at Amber.

Amber stood on her hind legs as the wolf came closer and the wolf jumped, so did Amber.

The wolf and Amber collided and the wolf bit her right front leg, while Amber swiped its stomach. They both fell down,the wolf and her howling.

"Stop it!" Amber cried, seeing blood all around. The rat scurried past her and to the wolf. The wolf was howling in pain still, and the rat nipped it's paw, before scurrying out of the room.

Amber rolled onto her stomach, and licked her leg, trying to see if the bleeding will stop.

The night was almost over, so the wolf was transforming back into Remus.

It's howls became more human, it's wolf features also becoming more human.

Amber turned back to human, an so do James and Sirius. Sirius held his left leg in pain, the blood still coming out.

Ambers back burned with pain, her arm hurt so much. She felt like she should just close her eyes, but she couldn't. She had to stay conscious. James ran over to his sister.

"Sh, Your fine Jamie, your fine." James said holding her. He picked her up, and ran back to the castle after asking Sirius if he could stay with Remus.

It looked about 5:30 in the morning, so nobody was really up yet. He jogged all the way to the Hospital Wing, and called for Madame Pomfrey.

Madame Pomfrey bustled out of her office, her face tired an worn like she had just woken up, maybe she had. When she saw James holding the bleeding girl, she made him out her on a bed and she began to treat her.

"What happened?" Madame Pomfrey asked as she was treating Ambers back.

"Poppy, you don't need to know. It wasn't Sirius or I." Was James' reply. Madame Pomfrey clicked her tongue, but continued to treat her in silence.

A few minutes later, Sirius and Remus limped in, the animagus helping Remus into a bed, then went into a bed for himself. When Pomfrey was finished with Amber, she walked over to Remus and quickly treated him, then Sirius.

"What on earth happened?" She asked again. Amber and Remus had fallen asleep, so that left James and Sirius to answer.

"Poppy, again. You know what happened to Remus, but them two... Another day." James said as he sat down in a chair next to Amber's bed.

Pomfrey huffed, but went back to her office. "What a night." Sirius groaned, the pain from his leg still there. "I know Padfoot... I know." James said gazing at his twin.

"She'll be fine..." Sirius said, but it sounded more to himself then to James.

Amber was not asleep, and she listened to her brother and Sirius talk all that morning. She was confused on why they were concerned for her, they hated her... Or so she thought.

A/N Told you it sucks... Anyways comment if you want :) Oh, and I'm thinking about starting another story... Not sure if I should or not. Bye!

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