Mum to the Rescue?

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A/N Sup. I've been watchin' YouTube, reading The Walking Dead, Harry Potter, WWE, and SkyDoesMinecraft fan fics, but y'all don't care. Hehe.


The Other Potter series has come to a close and I don't know what to do with my life. That story and the amazing writer (Secret_Ninja) has like saved my life.

Read the series.

I MET NORMAN REEDUS. I'll explain more in the authors note at the end!!!!

Okay, I'll start the chapter.


Kay. I don't own anything but Amber and anyone I make up the rest of the way.


It was now November. Snow was falling and it was getting colder. I sighed and rubbed my eyes as I started a letter,
"Dear Mum,
A lot has been going on so far. At the Halloween dance, I was almost kidnapped by my own friends. Isn't that nice? Oh, James and I get along now! It's about time.

I used to think that I was the special one in our family, you know, for being in Slytherin? But now I know that there are others like me, though the situation may be like Sirius' with his whole family being in Slytherin and him being a Gryffindor.

Oh mum, I miss your comforting hugs. I want to come back home already! I guess I should mention that Bella and Cissy have been trying to persuade me to go to their house during the Christmas Holidays but I don't want to. Not matter how many times I tell them, they don't listen." I sighed and cracked my back before continuing,

"All I need right now is some motherly advice..... I may be developing a crush on one of my friends," his face flashes into my mind and I shook it away, "and I'm scared to let him know. Mummy, I need your help. I don't want to make the wrong decision.
Thanks mum,
Your Daughter, Jamie."

I signed the letter and whistled lowly. James owl, Chase, flew through the arch next to where I was sitting in the courtyard and let me tie the now rolled up letter to his leg. I stoked his head before telling him to send the letter to my mum. He hooted before soaring off. I stood and walked back toward the castle, whatever snow was on the ground crunching beneath my feet. It was about time for lunch, so I made my way to the Great Hall.

Why are these feelings developing? I can't let them, our friendship will be ruined! He totally has no interest in me, I can't let this happen!

I walked into the Great Hall, instantly feeling the warmth. I sighed and made my way towards the Gryffindor table next to Lily and Alice. I took off my cloak, hat, and gloves and laid my head on Alice's shoulder. "What's up, buttercup?" Alice mumbled as she had a spoonful of bread pudding. I sighed,
"Too much." She nodded her head and shoved me off her, making me lay my head onto Lily's shoulder.

"Lily." I groaned. She rolled her eyes and poured me a glass of water. My head fell off her shoulder as she did this, causing me to groan once more. I took the water from her and sipped it. The icy water flowing down my throat and I felt wonderful. I really don't know hats wrong with me, but even if its cold out I need to have cold drinks.

Sue me.

I looked at the table and saw unappetizing food, mostly because Peter was drooling over it all. "Oi, Pettigrew," he looked up, dazed, "stop getting your drool on the damned food." He glared at me, something un-Peter like, and put his nose in the air. I shrugged before calling over to Sirius, asking him to pass over the non-drooled on food. I ended up getting a pizza slice and garlic bread.

I looked over at my house table to see Cissy shaking her head. I looked down and pushed the plate away from me. Lily gave me a confused look but I waved it off and put some fruit on my plate. I ate it quickly and stood from the table, excusing myself.

I headed down to my common room when I heard Peter's voice,
"Kill the love, kill the boy. I got it. But, Avery, can I use potatoes and cheese.... At all?" Heard and agitated sigh and I stopped at the corner,
"Pettigrew, I told you no already! Now, get on with the planning." There was a squeak and I knew they had left. I turned the corner and began to think.

So, is Peter going to kill someone? Or something? But wait, when did Peter leave the Great Hall?

During my train of thought, I had stumbled into Severus. He nodded his head at me, and I him. We just kept walking our separate ways, not daring to say a word. It's a very long story, maybe I'll tell it one day.


"Dear my dear Jamie,
I'm glad to hear that you and James are getting along once again! Your father and I are so proud! As for what you said your friends were going to do, how dare they! I do not want you anywhere near them, understand?

Darling, though you may not be special with the fact the you are a Slytherin, you are special in your own way! I know that we've told you many times, but always remember that, okay?

My baby girl is growing up! If I may ask, who is this friend? James had told me you dated that Regulus boy but broke up with him? It's not him, is it? If it is, I have no problem with it. Okay, that's a lie. Your father and I have a huge problem with it. I just hope that this boy is nice and caring.

Some advice I can give you, is always be yourself. Even if you're afraid of what he may think of you, act yourself. If he treats you wrong, he better have a good reason for you to get back with him! And darling, I've missed you too. I don't want you going to the Black's house, I want you home.

We have a surprise that I think you may like, so come back! Don't forget to feed Gemini, I know you do.
'Till next time,
Mum." I finished reading her letter and I was a bit confused. That's my mother for you. I shrugged and put the letter under my pillow before looking around the dormitory. All the girls were sleeping, it was around 10:40 at night so I decided to get some sleep also. I blew out the oil lamp on my night table and closed my eyes, dreaming of a peaceful beach and a guy named Norman.

It was sometime in the morning when I awoke, or well, thought I did. I was in a room full of dust. I had never been here before, but yet I seem to know where I am. I cautiously walked towards the door and when I opened it there was a loud squeak. I winced and slipped out, before it could get any worse. A boy stood in front of me. He had messy black hair, bright green eyes and a lightening bold scar on his forehead.

"Aunt Jamie!" He said happily as he hugged me. I hugged him back, confused to who this boy was. When he pulled back, I got a better look if him, he was James' double! I gasped staggered backwards before it all disappeared into darkness, I sat up in my bed and tried to sooth the headache I had gotten. Using lumos, I illuminated the room and squinted as I read the numbers on the alarm clock. 3:30 in the morning? F-that! I fell back asleep wonder what had just happened.

A/N DON'T KILL ME! It's really short and I'm sorry but I have school coming up real soon and arg this story might be put on hold, not sure yet.

So, I met Normal Reedus at Fan Expo Canada. I cried. He gave me a lollypop. And called me adorable countless times. Swag.

If you don't know who he or The Walking Dead is then please go look it both up. Yep.

I also got an autograph while I was balling my eyes out. I was so happy!!!!

My sister, you are coming next year. Idgaf what you want, you are coming.






I wanna see more comments and votes!!!!

And fans!!!

I lurve you all! Especially Madison cuz gurl you love being related to this 'adorable' girl!



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