Sirius You Arse

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~Flash Back a few months ago~

Shit was going down.

What's going on? You ask, well, Severus, the boy who I've been ignoring since last year, is trying to talk to Lily because it's January 30. Or, Lily's birthday, to be precise. "Please listen to me," he'd say. "Leave me alone," she'd yell. I realized what was going on, he was trying to get her to forgive him.

"Oh hell no." I groaned. I ran from Sirius and James who were sitting by the fountain and up to Severus and Lily who were standing by an archway. "Leave her alone, Snape." I took out my wand and pointed it to his throat. Not far behind me, James and Sirius were holding out their wands too.

"Just back off, Snivellus." James growled. He glanced at me, James, and Sirius. "I'm sorry, Lily." Is all he said before walking away. "Don't you ever come near her again, you f*cking disgusting arsehole!" I called after him. He stopped of a second, hung his head, and continued on his way inside.



"Lily," I groaned. I had just dragged her away from Severus who was trying to talk to her. She rolled her eyes and started rummaging through her bag, "I didn't want to talk to him," she began. She grabbed a piece of paper from her bag, "he kind of cornered me. Anyways, James said to give this to you." The paper had, "Courtyard, 7 pm." written on it in James's messy writing. I quickly scrunched it into a ball, "Thanks." I murmured. Dinner had just ended, I guess it's Remus's time of the month.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I waved at Lily and walked on my own to my common room. The damp air hit me like a freight train as I entered the Dungeons. I had to take a deep breath before walking the rest of the way. The one thing I hate about the Slytherin common room; the damp air. It's always so cold and so thick, it's hard to breath most times.

I made it to the common room and ran to my dorm, ignoring the people trying to start a conversation with me and changed into comfy clothes. Comfy meaning black fluffy pyjama pants and a dark green Slytherin night shirt. I stuck my wand in the waist band of my pj pants and looked at the clock. I had a half-an-hour before I had to leave. I spent that half-hour by looking through my History of Magic text book.

Never again will I do that.

At seven I walked out of the common room, stating I had to talk to Dumbledore, and shifted into my dog form. I ran to the courtyard, finding Sirius pacing. I barked, halting right in front of him. He rolled his eyes, "Twenty minutes late." I huffed. He shifted into his own dog form and cuddled my neck before we ran off to the Whomping Willow.


Sirius left not long after Remus changed, claimed he had to use the bathroom. So, I played with Remus with James and Peter watching. The wolf form Remus (let's call him Moony for now) was getting tired of the two of us chasing each other, so he held me to the ground and curled up next to me. It hurt, but it worked. I curled up to him and Moony rested his head on mine.

His ears perked up. His head jerked up. His nose kept twitching, trying I decipher the smell of something. I perked my ears up, "Lily?" No. It was Snape. Moony shot up and ran to the door and out of it. James and I chased after him. I heard Snape scream. Sirius's laughs. I ran out and tackled Moony before he could touch Snape. I nipped his legs and herded him away from Snape but he kept howling and snapping his jaws at Snape who was stood in fear. James ran out in human form and pushed Snape into the castle.

Sirius, calming down from his laughing fit, shifted back into his dog form and helped me get Remus back into the Shrieking Shack, and get him to sleep. I turned back human, so did Sirius. "Did you see his face?" He started to laugh again. I dragged him outside on to Hogwarts grounds.

"You stupid f*cking dumbass!" I slapped him across the face. His laughing seized. James walked out of the castle and to the two of us, "Sirius, you stupid arse." He growled. "What? I'm teaching him a lesson," Sirius shrugged nervously. "A LESSON?" I yelled, "YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN HIM KILLED. HOW WOULD REMUS FEEL THEN YOU TWAT?!" I slapped him across the face again. He held his cheek, his eyes cast downwards. "I'm sorry. I-I didn't think of it, I-" "That's enough out of you. We'll talk tomorrow. Where's Snape?" I turn to James.

He glanced back at the castle, "He's in shock in the corridor." I nodded. "Go back in there and sleep with Moony. I'll bring Snape to Dumbledore's office. James, meet me there." He nodded. I looked at Sirius, disappointed in him, "and you, I want you to think about how stupid you are." I pushed past my boyfriend and brother and found Snape leaning against a wall.

"Snape," I called. He flinched and turned to me. He looked so vulnerable. He was paler than usual, his black eyes wide, slack jawed. I gently grabbed his arm, "Lets go to Dumbledore." He nodded. I walked him to Dumbledores office.

"Password?" The gargoyle asked. "No idea but I really need Dumbledore." I begged the statue. It looked both me and Snape over before hopping aside. We walked up the spiral staircase and knocked on the heavy wooden door. "Come in!" His voice rang. I opened the door ad tugged Snape in with me. He sat at his desk in a night robe and a night cap.

"Sorry to wake you, Professor, but Snape here... Um..." I sat down with Snape in front of Dumbledore's desk. "He saw Remus as a werewolf. Sirius tried to play a joke on him, an extremely deathly joke." Dumbledore sighed, "Severus," he said softly. Snape looked at him, his face had regained some of its normal colour, "Yes?" "Are you okay?" Dumbledore was concerned.

"No-" "I had no idea, I swear." James burst in. He looked like he had been crying. He stepped towards Snape, "I had no idea, I promise you." He pleaded. Snape just gave him a disgusted look, "I don't believe you." "Severus, you mustn't tell anyone." Dumbledore said loudly. We turned to the Headmaster. "What?" Snape demanded. "No one. You must keep this secret. What Sirius did was unforgivable, dangerous, but you cannot blame this on Remus. You are forbidden to tell anyone. Understood?" Dumbledore said sternly.

Snape sighed, his usual grouchy look taking over, "Fine." Dumbledore smiled over at me, "Now, Miss Potter, can you please escort Mr Snape back to your common rooms." I nodded my head. Snape followed me out while I said a quick goodnight to James.

"I had no idea. I swear," I broke the silence we had been walking in. Snape looked at me for a minute, "I believe you." He finally said. I let out a huff of nervousness and we got back to the common room. He went to go to the boys dorms when I caught his arm, "Please, don't tell anyone," he begrudgingly nodded his head, "I won't."

Goddammit Sirius. What have you done?

A/N damn Sirius.

Eventful enough? I hope :P

Contests! One for this book, one for my other book. Details in chapters call, "CONTEST!!!!" In both books.



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