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Last night was fun. Well, maybe I shouldn't have had as many drinks as I did but it was still fun. So, remember that girl who fell? Well she's Sirius' stalker, found that out last night because she started talking about how she saw him snogging some girl. He does have many stalkers but she's his biggest one.

Anyways, I had to go to the Gryffindor Common Room last night to sleep. No way was I going to the Slytherins, I might have gotten my neck slit, or worse, tortured. I have just realized now, laying down on the extra bed in Lily's dorm room, that I acted very un lady like last night.

When you're in the Slytherin house and have PureBlooded freaks as friends, well you sort of start to act like them. But I always made sure I did not become a PureBlooded maniac, that is against who I am. I am a Potter. I'm apart of the second biggest blood traitor families in the wizarding world for Merlin's sake! My parents really would have thrown me out I started to act like Bellatrix or Narcissa.

I honestly hate how they act, it's annoying. Always going on about how, "Mudbloods should be shot at birth." or how, "Blood traitors should suffer." In which I would always glare at them and threaten them. They actually were afraid of me, I know more hexes and spells then them and I'm younger the Bellatrix!

I can see it in the future, Bellatrix being an psychotic bitch who ends up being locked up in Azkaban and ends up escaping, and Narcissa, hiding behind her husband and showing her kindness only at the darkest of times to a person who she is unlikely to be nice too. And even save their life. (A/N Alright, bitches, I know this actually happens. We all know. Idk man I just wanted to show of Amber's power.)

I can see myself in the future also, actually I can't. All I think of is death when I think of my future. I see people of whom I don't even know dying but I can't help but want to cry, as though they were close to me. I haven't told anyone but I can see the future and the past. Kind of cliché I know, but I can only see someone's future to a limit. I cannot hear them talk, nor do I know who most are. I guess I'm a type of seer.

But as I've said before, all I see is death. Darkness. Torture. So much that a witch or wizard of my age wouldn't be able to bare that much. But it's some how only in my future and someone else's. Of course, many do suffer but I see her's crystal clear. This person has been beaten, hurt by herself, and she still gives a smile. In her future, she helps those in need. I wish I knew who this woman was because I would give her a huge hug, she had also sacrificed herself to be tortured when a teenager was going to be.

But yet, I've seen darkness and happiness in a teenagers future. I don't believe this boy to be born yet, but he saw his own mother die when he was about one years old, survived the killing curse, dealt with a horrible uncle, aunt and cousin, and so much more. I think I could write a whole book about this boy. The weird thing is, is that I've seen myself and my friends in his future. He looks so familiar, it's weird.

It's truly amazing what you can see when you really put your mind to it. For example, here I am now thinking so hard, trying to see my future- but all I see if James, Lily, Sirius, Remus, Professor Dumbledore, Severus, Bellatrix, Regulus, and more die. If I had continued the list would go on forever. But again, I see people of whom I do not know die. But I have a feeling I will know them.... Someday.

This is a depressing start, isn't it? Going from a nice topic to a sad one. It seems like I may be bi-polar...? Bloody Hell! If course I am! I could be talking about llamas one second, then threatening a person the next! I may need some help but what's the point if I'm going to go back to being bi-polar?

"Amb? Are you okay?" Alice asked sitting on my bed. I blinked a few times and looked over to her and gave her a fake smile,

"Yeah, of course Ali. I must be getting ready for breakfast." I said sitting up. Alice nodded her head and pulled me up.

Thinking Siriusly (Sirius Black Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now