Staying at the Hospital and Drama.

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I decided to give you a hint this chappie, since the last chappie was so tragic, you sorta deserve it. I have a feeling your still gonna hate me after this chappie. eerp.

Amy's P.O.V.

I rode with Niall the whole way to the hospital. Harry rode with me, and tried to comfort me. Nothing could get me happy. I was drowned in sadness and anger. I stayed with Niall all the time. I practically lived there.

Louis's attack had causeed Niall to become unconsious. It had been 3 days since the incident.(I think that is spelled wrong...) I stayed in the chair next to the door, for 3 days. I haven't eaten, except for the times that Harry visited and had forced me to eat. And thats a big deal, since I eat all the time. Except for the recent events. I haven't talked. Just cried.

Louis is going to court for what he did to Niall. The strange thing is, Louis didn't seem satisfied the last time I saw him. 3 days ago.

Right now I am sitting in that same chair I have been, for 3 days now. Then I heard a knock at the door. I open the door from my seat. Harry, Liam and Zayn walk in. I nod to them, so they know I see them.

"So, do you know if Niall is gonna wake up soon? " Asked Liam. I shrugged. I sniffeled. Harry hugged me and I started to cry. I just cried, and cried. I'm surprised that I even have any tears left.

"Ames, we brought McDonalds. You need to eat. Okay?" Harry told me in a calming voice. I nodded, and took a 4 pack chicken nuggets. I'm not hungry, I wanted to say. But I ate anyway. I was getting a teensy bit skinnier. And I would make Harry feel better.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Niall stir. I stood up and went next to Niall. I held his hand and I felt him squeeze my fingers. I started crying, and kneeled down.

"I love you Niall." I whispered.

"I love you more." I heard him hoarsley whisper back.

"Oh my gosh." I was in shock. "G-Get a doctor, Z-Zayn." I heard Zayn run out of the room, but I kept my eyes on Niall. I wanted to see him wake up. I love him.

Niall's eyes started twitching, and Zayn and the doctor ran into the room just in time to see Niall open his icy, blue eyes.

"A-Amy?" Niall whispered to me.

"Niall." I whispered back. I had my Niall back.

"Well, Mr. Horan, please tell me the last thing you remember." Said the doctor, Dr. Fisher.

"I, um," Niall cleared his throat, "I remember, playing truth or dare, t-then Louis a-attacking me, for s-some reason."

I nodded. "We don't know why he attacked Niall." I told the doctor.

"Maybe it has to do with you two dating," Liam said, with a sour face. "He fancies you. I talked to him yesterday, he said that you guys were texting all lovey dovey, and you," He pointed to Harry. "Knew about it."

"Harry knew because we trusted him enough that he won't tell anyone. I didn't want anyone to know, because I wasn't ready for the pressure!" I told Liam.

"You said you didn't want to date one of us." He said back. "I guess Niall was an exception." He rolled his eyes.

I let go of Niall's hand, walked over to Liam, and got up in his face. "I think it's time for you to leave." I hissed.

Liam walked out of the room, and before he shut the door, he said "Your a bitch, you know."

I opened the door, and yelled to him walking down the hallway, "It takes a bitch to know a bitch!"

I shut the door and walked back next to Niall, and held his hand again. I thought Liam was nice, I guess I was wrong.

"Well, Niall, you are going to have to stay for a few days, but then you can go home." said the tramatitized Dr. Fisher. I don't think he has ever seen anything like that happen before.

"I-I know this is sorta a-a bad idea, but, I think I should stay away from Louis. And so should Amy. And in order for that to happen, I-I have to leave th-the band. He could kill me, if I don't..." Niall trailed off. I heard Zayn gasp, then sigh.

"I guess your right... But where will you live? The band won't be the same without our little leprachaun." Zayn sighed.

"He will live wih me," I said. "I agree with you Niall. We need to stay away from Louis until he is over me, and understands I don't want to be with him."

"So that's it. That was the last time One Direction will ever be together as a band." Harry sighed.

"I'll call Simon." Said Zayn.

"No, I need to tell Simon. It's my responsibility." Niall told Zayn. "Amy, can you give me my phone?"

I reached for Niall's phone. As I did, it started to vibrate. A new text, from Eleanor.I unlocked the phone, and Niall was telling me to give him his phone, but I waved him off.

From: Eleanor

I am going to kill your girlfriend. That little bitch is stealing my Louis away from me. I wish you would have died. Then maybe she would have killed herself.

I dropped the phone, and fell to the floor. Harry came rushing over to me, to comfort me.

"What was that text? Who was it from?" Asked Harry, to Niall, because I was unable to speak.

"Eleanor. She wants to kill Amy."


*One Year Later*

"Hey baby, while your at the store can you get some toothpaste? We are almost out." Niall asked me. Niall and I live in Ireland now. I don't speak to my mother or father anymore, and Lacy isn't allowed to speak to me. I text her every so often to see if she answers, but she never does.

Harry and Zayn come to visit every couple weeks, and I feel as if life is perfect.

But it wasn't like that right after the band split. Niall and I got a lot of hate from fans, and the worst part is that they don't know why the band split. Some say that I dragged Niall out of the band, and the other boys just left too. The only ones that know the real story are the boys, Eleanor, Danielle, Simon, me, and Lacy. Lacy knows because she deserved to know why Niall was living with us for a month.

As I was getting my purse to leave for the store, I heard a knock at the door. I walked over to the door and opened it up.


Cliffhanger!! I had technical difficulties with my dumb laptop, so had to rewrite half the story. whoo hoo. Sorry it's out so late. ByeBye! -Hannah:D

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