Chapter XV

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I arrived at Jin's house a few minutes ago and he helped me carry a few boxes back to my house. 

"Ryoko." I stayed silent as Jin called out my name a few times more. "Ryoko?"


 "Ryoko..." I could hear him gritting his teeth as he was losing his patience. "Ryoko just fucking answer me."



 "Finish that word and you'll be hunched over in pain Akutsu." I sent him a glare, he stopped himself knowing fully well what i was capable of. "Sign, hey Jin, don't do anything stupid at the match okay?"

"Tch, whatever. So Ryoko, why the sudden move back home?" 

"I re-registered at seigaku, living at home is closer." I said reaching my house and placing the box down. "Besides, i miss my little brother. Ya know, the one you hurt." 

"Yeah." He said dropping the box. "Well, i'm leaving. See ya." He said petting my head. I smiled at him and waved goodbye as he walked away waving. "Well, time to say my hello's."

A few days later at the practice courts.

The team was excited to know i was back, but they were also scared seeing the tension between Tezuka and I. So, i just avoided him, and stayed with Ryoma, while they went to register. I walked around when i spotted a familiar head of gray hair.

"Hey are you listening?! Don't be smoking on the court!" a guy yelled at Jin, not a good idea.

"Houjyou Chuu... What losers. You really showed off at the match to decide the 5th place didn't you. Quit wandering around here and go home." Jin responded, not bothering to put his cigarette out.

"..What!! Q-quit joking around! We won't forgive you!!" A few of his teammates yelled. I sighed when i heard Jin give a small laugh. After a few minutes i sighed looking at Jin.

"What's this, so pitiful...Even when it was you guys that came at me. Ha Ha Ha!! It's over!" Taking his cigarette out of his mouth. "Hey at least..beat me in tennis will ya!" He flicked his cigarette at the members panting on the ground. "At the tennis that you're so good at. Haaa Ha Ha Ha!!" He laughed walking away.

"Jiiiiiin, you didn't have to be so mean." I said throwing a tennis ball at his head.

"Bit-Why'd you do that!" he said throwing one right at my face. 

"Because you were being an idiot. Bleh" I said sticking my tongue out and walking away. "Ja ne, Jin-chan." I found my way at the prefectural tournament quarterfinals second match. It was Ginka versus Seishun Gakuen, and immediately, they forfeited to a 'stomach ache'. I sighed. I walked round looking for Jin again when i heard someone calling his name out.

"Akutsu-senpai, akutsu-senapi!" It was a small child, probably a first year since he was ryoma's height. "That he would get the regulars spot, even though his height isn't all that different from mine...Dadada da—n! Look at this!" The kid yelled, he handed Jin a piece of paper, which he ripped in half. "AAHH—!!?"

"Don't ever do something as shameful as this again."

"AHH, What a waste! The data..I'm sorry desu."

"Hey hey, don't be so mean Jin." I smiled at the two as the kid stuttered, looking like my life was going to end.

"Shut up Ryoko." Jin said looking away.

"Hi, I'm Echizen Ryoko, third year at Seigaku." 

"EHHH?!" Echizen! Are you Ryomo-kun's sister?"

"Yup." i smiled shaking the kids hand.

"Wow...UH um! I'm Dan Taichi, manager and first year at Yamabuki." Dan nervously said, gripping my hand. 

"Haha, well Taichi, take care of Jin for me will ya? I gotta get going. Bye Taichi-kun, Jin-chan." I giggled as i noticed the annoyed look on Jin's face, and flustered look on Taichi's face.

Akutsu's Pov

"Ehh...She's so pretty, right Akutsu-senpai?" Taichi said, his face was red and he has a goofy smile.

"Shut up brat...She has a boyfriend.." I said out loud, not realizing what i had just said.

"Ne, Akutsu-senpai, do you know who it is?"

"Seigaku's Boucho..."

"EHHHHH?! Seigaku's captain? wow.. Ryoko-chan and Captain Tezuka." I looked at Taichi as he just drifted into his day dreams. "Baka, we have a match to get to." I hit his head as we walked to the courts. 

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