Losing him (Janto fan fic)

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A/N: This is a Torchwood/Doctor Who fan fiction!

"It's been a little over a year since Ianto passed...you need to come back to Torchwood," says Gwen in another message. She seemed to grow increasingly annoyed and tired with each message. The voicemail ended. Jack deletes the message and walks back to his room. This was probably the 100th message Gwen left Jack over the past year. Jack was a mess. He had grown a long, scraggly beard and bags were prominent under his eyes. He barely ate anymore and his hair had grown out quite a bit. The slightly  wavy hair was now almost up to his shoulders. Jack polishes the old photo of Ianto and him kissing. An alarm goes off signaling rift activity. Jack takes his coat and runs to the spot just up the street. He easily takes out 5 weevils and runs home before Torchwood arrives. Even after a year of being away from Torchwood, he still felt the need to protect Cardiff. Some things never change.

Gwen's POV

"He was here." says a man. Torchwood was a completely new team ever since the days Jack left. I hand selected these people myself. I am the only returning member. That all tends to happen when the previous members are all dead. I know I sound like a bit of a bitch, but it's part of the job. Always has been.

"Matthew....he just doesn't want to be found." I say, sighing loudly. My patience was running thin with Jack. I'm sure he knew by now. Mathew looked for any bit of evidence that could point towards where Jack was.

"I still don't understand why he left in the first place. You say he picked you to join the team... and he established this team himself.... why would he ever leave?" asks the girl behind me.

"It's complicated Anabeth. He just needs time. See if you can get ahold of Lewis. He was supposed to be here with the van already." I reply curtly. Anabeth pulls out her iPad Mini. She gingerly taps in the passcode and opens up the FaceTime app once her device unlocked. Scrolling through her contacts, she finds Lewis and begins to call him.

"I'm coming around the corner," Lewis replies immediately while not taking his eyes off the road.

"What took you so long?!" Anabeth yelled, her tone dripping with venom and anger. Lewis can be seen flinching the second she raises her voice.

"Jesus Christ women, it's cause' of traffic! I'm sorry I can't control rush hour," grumbles Lewis. Leave it to Lewis to try to make any situation funny. I couldn't help but smirk slightly.

"Well, did you turn your sirens on?" asks Anabeth. Lewis stays quiet and glances at Anabeth before looking down at his lap. A second later, Lewis ends the call.

"Idiot," mumbles Anabeth. She puts her iPad away.

"Easy, he's the newest recruit....he's still getting used to it." I say.

"2 months is not new," replies Anabeth curtly.

"By Torchwood standards, that's VERY new. If Jack were here....Lewis would have been much farther along in training..." I say just as Lewis arrives and pulls over. Training multiple recruits at once is difficult to say the least. Plus, Anabeth hasn't exactly been compliant.

"Hurry up! It's gonna rain!" Lewis exclaims. They haul the weevils bodies into the back of the van and leave the scene.

Stories POV

"I love you" whispered Jack to the photo. A knock on the door confuses Jack. This was the 10th time he moved, and no one knows where he lives. Jack took his gun from his waist holster, hiding it behind his back as he slowly opened the door.

"Jack" says A familiar voice. Jack's eyes widen in utter shock, his lips slightly parted.

"I-Impossible....your dead" says Jack while holding his gun up. His hands were shaking violently. Ianto stood calmly as Jack pointed the gun at him. Ianto still looked the same.

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