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September 2011

Presley's POV

"Do not try and talk me out of this," I hissed through clenched teeth glaring at the stumbling man trying his best to make his way to me. I launched the empty whiskey bottle at his head amazed he ducked his head in time. Sobs wracked my chest as we faced off. Tears in both of our eyes. It was like he understood I meant it this time. Had to have known deep down I had reached my breaking point. I turned back to my task of throwing clothes in the open suitcases. A big hand landed on my shoulder, but I reached up batting it away. "I mean it B. I am done. I am taking the twins and going back to Georgia. Rest assured you can expect divorce papers. I can't do this anymore. You're not getting better! You're just getting worse!"

"The hell I am," Brantley argued slurring his words making me cringe. "Those are my kids too."

"You can see them when you pull your head out of the god damned bottle!" I roared back making him step away from me in shock. The bundle of clothes in my hands shook. I deserved better. Our kids deserved better. "Get help. But dammit, do it for you. That is the only way it will stick."

"Pres," he said so quietly if it wasn't for the fact I knew him so well I would have missed the tears in his voice. "Please don't do this. Please. The three of you are my whole world. Don't leave me."

"I can't stay," I sobbed shaking my head. "We aren't first. The bottle and the pills are. Followed up by music. And if you don't get your shit together, you will lose that too. You are too damn talented B to lose what you have built." I felt heat at my back as arms wrapped around me. I wanted nothing more than to lean back in the embrace that I desperately craved, but I couldn't do this anymore. Honestly, we had been drifting apart for months. I had to be the adult and put our kids first. Thank God they were young enough they wouldn't remember any of this.

"I swear baby," he murmured burying his face in my blonde hair sighing into my neck. The smell of whiskey made my stomach turn. "I will fix this. Fix us."

"It's too late B," I sniffled turning to look up at him. His face fell when I shook my head. "For us at least. What I need you to do is fix you. The twins need their dad. The one I know you can be." I ducked out of his arms closing the suitcases on the bed grabbing them. Swallowing deeply, I picked them up walking to the door. I had to keep it together to make the drive to Georgia. When I got home I could lose it. Mom and Mama Becky were expecting us. I paused walking out of our bedroom lifting my left hand up that was trembling.

I slipped my rings off laying them on the dresser refusing to look back. If I did I would give in and we would repeat this cycle all over again. I knew it would take something like this to make him get his act together. Grabbing the suitcases, I darted out of the house to my car reminding myself I had to stay strong. Loving him hadn't been enough. One stop to pick up the kids from daycare then I was Georgia bound.

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