Chapter 8

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I sat there staring at him. I couldn't believe he was here in my house with me, something I had always wanted but recently come to accept would never happen.

Now, here he was. Staking his apparent claim.

"I'm not yours. You let me go a couple months ago."

"That was a mistake."

"Why? Because I'm trying to move on with someone who treats me the way I deserve?" I was starting to get angry now.

"No. Because you've always been mine."

"But I'm not! You threw me away."  My anger becoming clear in my voice.  "I put up with your bullshit for a long time Caleb and I did it because I love you. But when I told you I couldn't take it anymore, I was being serious. Watching you walk away with all those different women tore me to shreds. And you just kept doing it."


"No, no more doll. I told you what I needed from you and you said no. That was your choice Caleb. Now, I meet someone who treats me with respect, opens doors for me, calls and texts me just to ask how my day was, and you decide you're not done with me? Fuck that."

"I'm sorry  I did all that to you and made you feel like that." He said softly, eyes still on me.

That stopped me. Never in all the time I've known Caleb have I ever heard those words come out of his mouth.

Taking advantage of my stunned silence he continued, "Ever since you've been gone I've been missing you. I've been fighting it and telling myself I didn't, but I do miss you. Not having you around lately has shown me just how a big a part of my life you were and seeing you tonight with some one else fucking sucked. I can't begin to imagine how you must have felt all the those times you saw me with other women, knowing what I was going to do. So Maddison, I'm so sorry for everything I have put you through. You never deserved it and I want a chance to make it up to you."

I was shocked. Truly, completely shocked.

I never in a million years thought I would get an apology from him.

"What do you mean you want to make it up to me?" I asked through my shock.

"Give me another chance. Be mine again."

This is what I've wanted since that night I left, for him to want me back, telling me there would be no one else. But now that it was happening, I was scared. What if I gave him this second chance and he used it to hurt me again? I don't know if I would be able  to heal if he cut me apart like that.

My apprehension must have been written all over my face because Caleb moved off the chair onto his knees and knelt in front of me, taking my hands in his large ones. "Maddi, I promise if you give me another shot you won't regret it. With everything I am, I swear that I will make you happy."

I looked at his hand holding tightly onto mine answering, "Does this mean no other women?"

"Look at me Maddi."

I took my time gathering my courage and not getting my hopes up before I was able to meet his eye, "I promise, as long you'll have me, there will never be anyone other than you. You know I've been around, but never once have I met a woman like you,  and I got a taste of what my life would be like without you in it and I didn't like it. I need you to say yes and let me try. Please, you said you needed closure back at the bar. That's because you're not ready to move on, so don't. Let me show you that I can make you happy. "

Without my permission, tears started selling up in my eyes and I fought to keep them back. But I was feeling so much, it was useless. They started to fall silently down my cheeks. Caleb watched them for a moment before letting go of my hands and cupping my face with his. His thumbs gently brushing the tears away.

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