Chapter 3

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Hi! You've reached Maddison, I can't get to the phone right now so leave a message and I'll call you back!

"Stupid fucking voicemail." I muttered, hanging  up and slamming the phone down on the counter.

"She didn't answer did she?"

I heard my kid sister's voice and turned to see Grace leaning against the door jam to the kitchen.

"No, she didn't. I've been calling for 3 god damned days and she hasn't answered a single call or text from me." I ground out.

"Why would she? 3 days ago she told you she loved you and asked you to give her a chance and you told her the only way she would get you is when your fucking other women at the same time. Why do you think she would want to talk to you?"

"How do you know that? Have you seen her?"

"Yea, I saw her two days ago."

"And you didn't think to tell me?" What the hell is wrong with my sister?

"Why would I tell you? This is the first time I've gotten to talk to you since it happened and you're the one that said no to her and broke her heart. I think it was right of me to be more concerned for her."

Shit, she has a point. "Well how was she?"

"How do you think Caleb? She was a mess. She didn't answer anyone's calls or texts all Saturday. Eventually Harper and I had enough and got Ryder to break into her apartment again."

"Hold the fuck up. You had Ryder break into her apartment again? And you've been in her apartment?"

"Seriously Caleb? Of course I've been in her apartment before, even before Ryder picked the lock, we're friends."

"How about we get back to that. When the fuck did you convince Ryder to break into her apartment?"

"The night of the party a couple days ago. You know, the night when you walked out of the compound with your hand on the ass of the whore you had just fucked, after spending 4 nights in a row with Maddi? That was apparently the night she had enough because she ran out of the party crying and Ryder and I were worried about her so we went to her place after her. She wouldn't answer the door so Ryder broke in for me."

I had seen Maddi leaving the party that night but didn't get a look at her face so I couldn't tell she was upset.

I tore my hands through my hair. "Is she ok now?"

"No Caleb, she's not. You broke her heart, she's not going to be ok for a while."

God, why did Maddi have to push this. Why couldn't she just be happy with what I was able to give her.

Grace pulled me out of my thoughts when she came up beside me and gave me a hug, "You know she's not Missy right? She's not going to do what that bitch did."

I couldn't handle talking about Missy right now, not when my head was full of Maddi. "Don't bring her up Grace, you know better."

"I'm sorry Caleb, but I know what she did really did a number on you and I hate it. You're the best brother out there and I want you to be happy."

"I am happy with my life. I don't need to be tied to a woman for that."

"You're right, you should go on fucking a bunch of women for the rest of your life instead of finding a good woman to make you happy. That's an excellent idea."

"Lose the sarcasm Gracie, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about."

"Stop treating me like I'm a teenager. I know you're avoiding settling down because of what she did. But what you need to learn is that Maddi is not her! Maddison would never even have that thought enter her head!"

With All That I Am (A Chaos MC Story) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon