Chapter 4

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One month later...

"Jenny, please, I don't think tha-"

"No. Nope. I've given you a month to deal and now I'm done. You need to start taking some steps to moving on from that douche and this is the first one."

"Shouldn't my first step be something less serious than a blind date? Maybe we could just go downtown and flirt with a bunch of guys first?" I asked hopefully, even knowing there was no going back from Jenny's plan.

"It's meeting for drinks. It's not like it's dinner and a movie. Drinks can be over in minutes if you're not feeling it or it can go on for a couple of hours if you're hitting it off. Please just give it a chance, this is a good guy that knows you just got out of something difficult and aren't looking for anything serious. He's in the same boat so there's no pressure and who knows, you guys could end up being good friends."

"You're not going to let me get out of this are you?" I asked on a sigh.

"You're damn right I'm not. You've been in a funk since you ended things with him and I just want you to be happy again and if I have to push into it then so be it."

"Ok, give my number to the guy."

"Yay! You're not going to regret this, I promise."

I highly doubted that but didn't offer my opinion, I just said my good byes and hung up. I stared at the TV, not seeing the show before looking at Batman. "I really don't think this blind date is a good idea." I told him. He didn't answer, just stared up at me and blinked before looking away.

The past month had flown by and at the same time dragged on. Without having to be at Chaos every night, I found myself alone at home a lot which was hard to get used to. I had enjoyed getting to see all the brothers whom I had grown close with, I missed seeing Harper and Grace through out the week and having a drink with them, and mostly, I missed Caleb. Sure he was a womanizing ass a lot of the time, but when it was just the two of us, he was amazing. Though, I was able to use the time to get my school work done which was nice. I also got a position as a TA since I was no longer working for Chaos and needed some money.

I had talked with my brother a few times in the past month but him and his men hadn't been able to get any information on if someone was looking for me. He was also getting more concerned about me because according to him, "I didn't sound like myself" and he was getting serious about his threats to come down here and see for himself. I had managed to put him off so far, but I knew my time was getting short.

I sat back on the couch and focused on the TV until I heard my phone go off. When I looked at it I saw it was a text from a number I didn't know. I opened it and read the message.

Hi Maddison, this is Zane, Mark's friend. He gave me your number so we could set up a time for drinks.

Wow, this boy didn't mess around making me wait to hear from him.

Hi Zane, it's good to hear from you. When were you thinking?

Does Thursday night at 7:30 work for you?

It was 9 o'clock on Monday night. Apparently he really wasn't messing around getting together.

7:30 on Thursday works for me. I just want to make it clear though that I just got out of something that was serious for me and I'm not looking for anything serious right now.

A couple of minutes went by before he answered.

Don't worry, Mark made that clear and to  be honest, I just got out of a long relationship as well so I'm not ready or looking for anything serious either.

With All That I Am (A Chaos MC Story) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin