Chapter 5

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True to his word, Zane called Saturday morning to see if I was free that night to go out. Since I was (because I had never had a big social life outside of the club and that was done with) I agreed. But then he said one of his friends was playing at Fat Angels that night and asked if we could meet there. 

I couldn't keep saying no to going there without giving him an explanation and I wasn't ready for that, but I also didn't want to risk a run in with any of the brothers just yet. I decided to text the girls to see what the club had planned for that night.

Hey ladies, what are the club's plans for tonight?

Why? What's up?- Was Grace's immediate answer

Closely behind her was Harper- I think they're having a party at the compound. Let me double check with Ryder.

Seeing their responses made me laugh, they were so typical of each woman. Grace being bold, in your face, and nosy. Harper being sweet and going out of her way to accommodate people.

Don't tell her until she answers, I want to know why she wants to know.

I rolled my eyes at Grace before I answered.

One of Zane's friends is in a band that's playing at Angels tonight and he invited me. If the club is having a party and won't be there then I was going to say yes but if they might be there I'm gonna have to say no.

I just checked with Ryder, he said the club was having a party and that's where all the brothers are going to be.

I let out a breath in relief, I knew Zane and I weren't serious and would most likely never become serious because I knew I wouldn't be ready for that with someone else for a while but I could see us becoming friends so I was relieved I would be able to see him again.

Thanks for checking for me. Have fun at the party tonight. Let's plan to get together later in the week.

I closed out of their thread and moved into Zane's. That sounds like a lot of fun, I'd love to come.

Great, do you want me to pick you up?

Hmm. I wasn't sure how to answer that, on one hand it was nice that he wanted to drive so I wouldn't have too but that would mean I would have to wait for him to leave. I thought about it for a few minutes before I decided to let him drive and if I wanted to leave early I could always get an Uber.

That would be nice, thanks for offering.

No problem. How does 8 sound?

I looked at my clock and  saw that it was a little after 4. I had plenty of time to make some dinner and get ready.

Sounds like a plan, I'll see you then. 

I pushed off the couch and did some cleaning up since it had been a few days since I ran the vacuum and dusted. After I finished that, I didn't feel like cooking so I ordered a burrito and went to my bedroom to look through my clothes while I waited for it to be delivered. I had settled on a pair of white shorts, a tight 3-quarter length sleeved red blouse and flat white sandals (which I had never worn before because I was so short, I liked to wear shoes with heels as much as possible).

There was a knock at the door as I walked into my living room.

I answered and settled onto the couch and put on a movie as I texted Jenny while I ate.

So I'm going with Zane to see his friend play at Angels tonight.

Oh my god. Shut your mouth! He asked you out already?

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