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2 years ago

"Maddison, you need to take a minute and explain to me what is going on!"

I heard my mom yelling at me as I tore through my room, throwing armfuls of clothes into suitcases. I just couldn't stop.

I was too afraid to stop, even for a second.

So I didn't, I just kept packing but I did it speaking, "I told you mom, when I was leaving the bar I heard a noise in an alley way and stupid, stupid me had to go look."

"Ok Maddi, but that doesn't explain why you're in such a state in the middle of the night."

"Because when I went into the alley I saw three man killing another man. There was just enough light for me to see that the murderers were part of the Russian mafia and of course, stupid stupid me had to go and make a noise. So they saw me. Now I have to get out of here before they find out who I am and get me or you or Jackson."

"Are you sure they were members of the mafia?"

"Yes mom! I saw the same tattoo on their hands that have been in the news before when other members are suspected of something." I said, pausing in my frantic packing to whirl on my mom.

"Ok baby, you're right, this isn't a good situation. But you still need to take a minute, take a deep breath, what about the police? We go to the anonymously and tell them what you saw."

I didn't even respond to that, we both knew she was grasping at straws suggesting that. The mafia was sure to have some cops on their pockets, they had to for them to be able to get away with everything they have so far.

Realizing the police weren't an option, my mom took a deep breath and accepted the reality of the situation.

"Ok, that was a dumb idea. Let's just talk about this for a second, something might come to us."

I had no choice, I stopped and collapsed on my bed. My mom is amazing, only she would be able to remain calm when her only daughter came running into the house in the middle of the night in the state I was in. Then on top of what I just told her, I have no idea how she was being so calm.

"Are you sure you need to leave? Did they get that good a look at you?"

"Yes. They saw me clearly before I took off. I know at least one of them chased me, I heard them running after me, but I lost them."

"Thank god for that." I heard my mom mutter.

I agreed with her. Thank god I lost them, I didn't want to begin thinking about what they would have done to me if I got caught.

"Let's call Jackson, he'll be able to help you."

Jackson might be able to help me. My brother was older than me by 3 years and had his operation running a bale bonds shop in . He learned everything he needed to know during his time working special forces in the army. My whole family thought he would make a career out of it but after one mission, he left as soon as he could. When I asked him about it, he said what he was asked to do felt so morally wrong, he couldn't continue working for the Army any more. Now he's his own boss with a few employees that are as badass as he was.

" I don't want Jackson involved in this. These are seriously bad men, you know that, and it would be dangerous and make life difficult for Jackson. I'm not asking him for help."

If I live to be 100, I'll still remember the look on her face. Her only daughter was in a dangerous situation with very bad men potentially after her. Her only son could help, but that could put him in danger too. She was in a lose/lose position and it was killing her.

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