068 × pinky promise, hearts vanished

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we didn't go to any coffee shops. we neither went to a fun place nor somewhere enchanting. just a stroll in the heart of tokyo, with nice talks. i was glad to have kept my promise i thought i'd break.

by the end of the day, as i walk her to her room, she couldn't close the door this time. and i felt like she wanted to say something.

"what is it?" i tried asking, and by the looks of it, i think she knew what i meant.

she handed me something, a very familiar ticket. "come watch me tomorrow night, jeong-ah." she said, with a seemingly pleading eyes, with which i know i can never resist. "i'll show up this time, and i want to see you there too."

i took it from her hand, raising my pinky to lock onto hers. "i won't be late." i promised then again. even though i knew i won't be able to keep it this time.

"thank you." she mouthed before closing the door.


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