Twenty seven

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I slipped out from under Sel and put on some clothes. I got my backpack and put a bunch of clothes in it. What I was about to  do was probably not the best idea but I couldn't do this anymore.

And I hated myself for it. I promised I'd be there for her but, that was before. I couldn't keep up with everything.

Grabbing a piece of paper from a notebook I started to write.


Just know i love you and I would never want to hurt you. And I'm not doing this on purpose or just to hurt you. I would never want that. But I can't keep up anymore. Actually I don't know. I can keep up. But I'm tired. It hurts me to see you cry every time and it hurts me to see you get up in the middle of the night. I just need a break. Just to think about some things and clear my head. But do know that I love you. Forever.


Putting the pen and paper down. I grabbed my bags and keys and quietly closed the door behind me.

AN: tsk tsk very cowardly of you Justin.

So this is a short update but at least I updated 🤷🏽‍♀️.

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