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Laying in bed staring at the ceiling there was one thing on my mind and it was Selena.

Why won't she just let me be there for her? Why was she keep pushing me away.

So many questions

Maybe I came off to strong. But I couldn't help but have feelings for her. She was everything I wanted in a girl.

Everything I needed

She's good for me. More than good. But why couldn't she see that?

Maybe she's hesitant because one of her last boyfriends hurt or something. Or maybe she was a lesbian.

But she couldn't be. Because if she was why would she kiss me.

Selena keeps telling me she has a lot of baggage and that she's not good enough for me. Or how if I find out about her past I'll hate her. But I don't think I could ever hate her. She doesn't deserve hate. She deserves to be showered with love. And that love should only be given by me.

So why couldn't she see that?

This whole thing was giving me a headache. I just wanted to take her out and show her that she's worth it.

And I had just the perfect plan on how to show her.

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