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"What's your favorite cartoon character?"

Me and Justin were at a small cafe just talking about the most random things ever. We've been together for at least 6 months now and I've never been happier.

He was always making me laugh and took my mind off of stress. Right now we've been sitting here for over 2 hours just talking about crazy things and asking each other the weirdest questions ever.

"Um I'd have to say Danny Phantom."

"Danny phantom?" He asked with a weird look on his face.

"What? Why'd you say it like that."

"Say it like what?" He played innocent

"Like it's a bad thing." I said back

"It's just that he's kinda annoying."

"Annoying? You're totally buggin. Danny Phantom is the hottest cartoon character ever."

"H-hottest?" He burst out laughing.

"Hey stopppp." I whined

"I'm sorry sweetheart but you think a cartoon character is hot. That's the almost ridiculous thing I've ever heard." He wheezed out.

"It is not ridiculous."

"Is to."

"Well whose your favorite cartoon character?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Gwen, from total drama island." He replied

"Gwen?" Now that made me laugh.

"Gwen's a total hottie." He said

"Omg now whose being ridiculous you hypocrite."

"Yeah yeah." He smiled

Oh that smile, the things it did to me

"Alright I have another question." I spoke up

"Ok what is it." Justin said looking directly into my eyes.

"How many kids do you want?" I asked staring back into his hypnotizing eyes.

"That's a good question. Um I would say 2  to 6."

"Six! Do you think you'll be able to handle six kids, you're basically one yourself."

"You'll be carrying them in your stomach not mine." He replied slyly

I choked on my smoothie

"What do you mean you'll be carrying the kids."

"Selena do you not pay attention in sex Ed. The woman gets pregnant not the man." He shook his head

"You know what I mean." I glared

"I don't think I do. You're a very confusing person baby."



"Can you just answer my question."

"What question?"


He had the audacity to laugh at me.


Later on when I was laying on my bed next to a sleeping Justin I thought about what he said earlier.

"You'll be carrying them in your stomach not mine."

Did that mean he wanted to have kids with me?

If he wanted I have kids with me that also meant he wants to marry me and sees a future for us.

Do I see a future for us?

Well of course I do. I see us a few weeks from now. And I see us a doing things a few months from now, but he was talking about years as in after college and settled down years.

Would we last that long?

I've never really thought about what would happen after college until now. I obviously knew I wanted a job and a stable life. But I never thought about a husband or kids.

Hell I never even thought I'd ever have a boyfriend until Justin stumbled into my life. It's not a bad thing though. I like having him around. He shows me what it feels like to be happy.

I guess that's all I ever wanted was to be happy and Justin gives me that. But what'll happen if we fight?

Would we break up?

Would he find someone better than me?

I mean he probably could there are so many prettier girls than me who aren't as fûcked up and can make Justin happier than I could.

Alright I was getting off topic now. He doesn't want anyone else because if he would he wouldn't have asked you to be his girlfriend.

So the real question is.

Do I see a future with Justin?

And yes I do. I do see us being happily married and having children together. I mean I know we've only been together for a few months but I love him. Or at least I think I'm in love with him.

I've never been in love before. I don't even know how it feels but the way I feel whenever I see Justin has got to be love.

I've never felt butterflies in my stomach or have my heart pound for any other guy before. Nobody makes me smile or laugh more than he does. And nobody can ever make me feel more beautiful or happier than Justin does.

So yeah I guess I am in love with him. And I do see a future for us.

Did he love me though?

And with a heavy head full of unanswered questions I drifted off into a deep sleep in my lovers arms.

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