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Today was Saturday. It's been 2 days since I've spoken to Justin. I've been ignoring him and I know that's wrong but after he confessed he has felling for me things have been different.

I mean I guess I like him to but I can't get close to him. Not with my fucked up life. It'll only bring him trouble and he'll only end up hurt because of me. I don't want to hurt him.

There was a knock on my door a few minutes later causing me to jump out of my thoughts. I went to open it, no one was there, but on the floor there was a bouquet of white roses and 2 boxes.

What the hell

Picking up the vase and the boxes I went back inside and read the note that was sitting in the middle of the flowers.

Tonight at 6:30 I'll pick you up. Wear what inside the boxes.

- Justin

Opening up the boxes I see a beautiful short white dress. It was a long sleeved choker dress with a plunging neck line but it looked elegant. In the second box there was a pair of gorgeous silver strapped heels.

He has good taste for a guy

Biting my lip I thought about how this wasn't a bad idea. I mean we were just going out. Nothing bad could happen. He wouldn't find out about my past and I wouldn't tell him unless I wanted to.

Which oddly I did. For the first time in my life I liked someone and wanted to open myself up to them but I didn't know how. Anyways what was I suppose to say?

So when I was six years old my moms secret boyfriend raped me and she blames me for everything bad that's happened to her. Also my father left me with my abusive mother because he couldn't handle the things people said about me. Oh and not to mention the whole town hates me and think I asked to get raped by some man 30 years older than me, but it's no biggie. So tell me about you and your family.

Ha as if

Not that I would have the guts to say that to him anyways. That would definitely scare him off. I still felt the need to tell him though. 

Maybe it would be a good idea if I told him my darkest secret before I got involved with him. That way he'd know what he's getting himself into.

It was the smart thing to do right?

I needed a second opinion so I called the only person I knew who could help me and that was Joyce.


"So let me get this straight. You want to tell this guy you met a few days ago about what has happened to you."

"That's what I said didn't I?"

"Don't get sassy with me Sel. You want me to be honest."

"Obviously I want you to be honest with me Joyce. Why is that even a question."

"Alright before I tell you my opinion I want you to know that you don't have to listen to me. Do whatever you want, it's your choice. But I don't think you should tell him. Well not right now at least."

Sigh I guess she was right

"I mean you've only known him for a week. I just don't want you to get hurt if he decides he doesn't want to continue seeing you."

"Yeah you're right, it's more logical if I don't tell him." I sighed

"I'm saying this for your own benefit. I think you should wait a little. Maybe a few months get to know him better and see where things go."

"Alright but do you think I should go tonight."

"You can't not go! I think it's great you're finally dating. It'll be good for you."

"He's a really good guy." I smiled

"He must be if you're willing to tell him you're secrets."

That made me laugh for some reason "I guess you're right. Ok well I have to get ready it's 4 and he'll be picking me up at 6:30. I still have to shower, do my hair and makeup."

"Ok have fun! And I'll let you know more about the hearing once I get more information."

"Thanks Joyce it's really means a lot to me."


I didn't do much with my hair I just straightened it and pinned my bangs back. I don't really like wearing makeup so I just did a simple look. On my face I just put on some concealer, bronzer, and highlight. I usually don't do anything with my eyes so I put on a shimmery pink shadow and mascara. To finish everything off I put on some clear lipgloss.


By the time I put my shoes on I heard a knock on my door.

I was nervous now. Looking myself in the mirror once again, I sprayed some perfume on myself and went to answer the door.

On the other side I saw Justin looking gorgeous as always in a collared white shirt with dark washed jeans. His hair was gelled back in a messy but sexy way. He was also wearing his rings which I loved a lot.

"You look beautiful sweetheart." He sent me one of the most breathtaking smiles ever. I didn't even realize there was something in his hands until he gave me the small square box.

"Justin you didn't have to get me anything else, the clothes and shoes were more than enough."

"Don't worry about it. Come on open it."

Taking the box out of his hands I opened it to find a stunning silver ring that had diamonds going all around to make it a full band.

"Justin this is gorgeous, but I can't take this it must have cost a lot."

"I got it for you I want you to have it and wear it."

Taking the ring from my hand he gently grasped my right hand and slid it on my ring finger. It fit perfectly.

Without a second thought I threw my arms around his neck and said "Thank you, I love it."

"Anything for you sweetheart." He whispered in my ear placing a sweet kiss on my cheek.

My heart fluttered

"Let's get going we don't want to be late."

Taking his hand he led me to his car.

Maybe this was a good idea after all

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