Twenty six

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I immediately called Joyce. I didn't  care that it was 2 am or that I was sitting completely naked on the floor with a birds nest on top of my head.

I also didn't care that I was extremely sore and could barely move. But there was no time to think about that.

Vance was out and I was scared. Utterly scared. It felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. My breaths were getting  shallower as the phone rang.

As each beep sound came through the phone I lost a breath. My eyes were open but the room was dark. I could see the lights from the window.

But all of a sudden I was welcomed by darkness and my head hit something hard.


I woke up to hearing two voices calling out my name. One sounded to be Joyce, whose voice was coming right through the phone next to my ear on the floor. And the other voice was Justins. Who was standing over me with a worried look on his face.

"Sel are you okay? What the hell are you doing laying in the floor? Why is your phone next to you? Are you okay? Are you hurt? What's wrong?" He said all in one breath. I heard all of the in one ear and in the other ear I heard all of Joyce's questions.

"Selena? Are you there? Is everything okay? What's going on? Hello? Selena? Can you hear me?"

Sitting up straight I reached out for something to wear any article of clothing to cover my naked body. The first thing grabbed happened to be Justin's WPU sweatshirt. Putting that over my head I spoke up.

First I picked up the phone and told Joyce that I'd call her later. With one last "are you okay?" From Joyce I hung up to be bombarded with Justin's worries.

"Are you okay?"

"Im fine Justin."

"You don't look fine. You were passed out on the floor sweetheart and your phone was next to you. Not to mention you were naked."

"I um."

I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. The words were at the tip of my tongue but my brain wouldn't let me say them out loud.

"You know you can tell me right?"

"I know it's just that I don't know how to." I whispered

Closing my eyes I took a few deep breaths to steady my breathing and counted backwards from 10.

I reopened my eyes and told him about how Vance was out of jail.

"Oh baby." I was picked up from off the ground and was in Justin's arm in an instant.

Giving him back with everything in me I said

"I'm scared."

"What for sweetheart?"

"I'm afraid that he'll find me and hurt me again. I'm afraid that he'll try to take my happiness away. I don't want that."

"You don't have to worry baby. I won't ever let him hurt not ever." Justin said kissing my forehead.

With my face in his neck and my favorite person wrapped in my arms.

I fell asleep as Justins words replayed in my head over and over again.

AN: sorry for such a late update but my exams are starting up soon so I'm busy with that. But I'm off of school for a week so I'll try and update.

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