Chapter 16| Not Ideal

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Natsu opened the door to reveal his father. Lucy walked in first wanting no harm to come to Natsu.

"You made it on time huh?" Igneel said as he stared at the nearest window.

"Now let's discuss."

Lucy winced at the loud sound her stomach made, she was hungry. Igneel rolled his eyes and waved her off, "go pick at the grass you unpleasant girl."

Lucy sighed but immediately left to go do as he said; pick at the grass. Natsu's fist clenched, he didn't like the way his father was treating Lucy, human or not she deserved respect like any other.

"Okay, let the conversing begin." Igneel said.

After a few hours of talking, arguing, and awkward silence Igneel finally understood, or a least that's what the two thought.

"Okay I understand now," Igneel said, "but I can't understand what she is to you son."

Natsu gulped, "I one day hope to take her to bed."

"You've stopped taking the pills haven't you?" Questioned Igneel. Natsu nodded hesitantly. "I won't stop you, Lucy is a beautiful and...intelligent young woman. One who looks good in my late wife's dresses." Igneel said a little bitter.

"Again, I am sorry." She says. Igneel rolls his eyes and walks to his recharging pod in his room. "I already feed, you too can shower, feed and go to sleep."

"Yes father." "Thank you Mister."

Lucy walks towards Natsu's room. Natsu who was a bit confused and curios followed after.

She sat on the bed silently hearing the small creeks of the rusted springs. She patted the seat beside her, "sit."

Natsu nodded and sat next to her instantly squirming as Lucy put a leg on his thigh and a hand to his cheek.

Lucy leaned in for a kiss but did not inclose the space, waiting patiently for his approval. "I have a craving for you Natsu, one deep inside." She whispers.

"Me too." Natsu closed the space between them and kissed her, he felt her teeth on his bottom li, he only guessed it was to stop but when he pulled away Lucy grabbed his jaw and pulled it down opening his mouth slightly.

Natsu groans of pleasure were muffled as she continued to kiss him with her wet muscle. He felt a bit bold and decided to lay a hand on her thigh, and when he felt Lucy chew on his lip again he squeezed resulting in a small moan from Lucy. This excited Natsu.

Lucy jumped over and straddled Natsu's hip, she bounced with the movement and landed on his area, causing a gasp to escape the both of them.

She felt his throbbing member through the thick layers of his pants. With clouded eyes he whispers, "I have no idea what to do."

Lucy giggles slightly, "when you wed me we can do this properly." she said, hoping he will wed her.

Natsu laid his hands on her back. "Practice makes perfect." He mutters as he stares at her lips. Lucy smirks slightly and jumps off him.

"I am going to shower, mind lending me your mother's night gowns?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am." Natsu joked with a salute ending up with a chuckle escaping Lucy's mouth.

When Lucy enters the bathroom she examines herself in the mirror. Her eyes were clouded, her lips slightly parted, and her face filled with a soft pink. She could feel the slight throbbing from her area, but she chose to ignore it.

One day she will take Natsu to bed-or the other way around-and on the night of their wedding-if there to be one-she'd make sure to be more alluring.

Lucy started the shower, stripped, and jumped in feeling the warmth cast over her shoulders first. She heard the door open seeing a figure like Natsu's step in. He placed down clothing and a towel.

Natsu stared at her figure through the white curtains. Her physique was amazing and she'd thought the same about his.

"Natsu would you care to join?" He heard her ask. Her boldness slightly shocking him.

Natsu stripped out of his own clothing without a second thought, he entered and stared at Lucy. Her back towards him.

He stared and got lost in the details of her body to not notice he stiffness within his member.

Lucy turned around and stared at the boy, leaning up to kiss him but felt the poking from down below.

"I-I'm Sorry." Natsu said regretfully, hoping he wasn't going to scare Lucy off. She shrugged her shoulders and grabbed his hand, opening it and laying it against his own member.

"I'm not ready to take anything farther because I also have no idea what I'm doing, but you can experiment with your own body." She rinsed herself of the soap and covered herself in the new towel he had brought her. She grabbed the clothing and walked out leaving Natsu alone.

Natsu curiously wrapped his hand around the member and shook it. He groaned a bit but not much. He tried a different approach, he tried to pump it a few times.

Now Natsu was in the bathroom by himself pumping away at his member and panting the name of the woman in which he was growing feelings for.

Though they both wanted each other they had no idea on what to do. And instead of feeling love like they should, they felt lust. Which wasn't ideal to either of them.

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