Chapter 10| Home

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Natsu was shocked to say the least. He had never met someone with no ports behind their ear.

This woman standing before him had none. How did she feed? Recharge? And transfer memories? How is she alive?

Lucy could see his confused manner, she took his hand in hers and lifted it behind her ear. Natsu touched around it and found no holes.

"What are you?" He asked.

"I'm human." She answered. He was baffled. "Whats a human?" He questioned.

"A human is waking bags of flesh carrying blood that needs oxygen and organs used to survive," Lucy said looking into his eyes, "so basically what you are, with the exception of ports of course."

Lucy started to scratch her leg causing it to be irritated and become red. "Hey, can I borrow your shirt?" She asked. Natsu shook his head with widened eyes, "what?!"

Lucy covered his mouth, "shh! I think some dirt and small bugs are in my dress, could I at least borrow your jacket?" She asked. Natsu nodded and took his jacket off but as he managed to pull it off he could see Lucy lifting her dress up showing her stomach and hidden breast.

"Oh!" He said in surprise. "W-what are you doing?" He asked wanting to shout but knew he had to conceal his voice. Lucy threw the down and grabbed his jacket from out of his hands. His face was covered by a blush. The jacket didn't cover anything past her thighs.

"What's wrong?" She inquired. He sighed but it sounded a little more shaky then he had intended, "it's forbidden to show your body to strangers."

Lucy nodded and pulled at the hem of the jacket, "sorry, I didn't know." She lowered her head in shame. Natsu sighed and shook his head, "it's fine." He felt great remorse for her, she didn't know simple rules because she came from a 'less privileged' part of the world.

"Can we go to your house now? I'm very hungry." She said. "How would you feed?" Natsu asked greatly confused.

"Food? Don't you Newpeople eat food?"

Natsu shook his head, "we feed off of a port," he showed her his holes, "that's how we survive since the beginning of time."

"No, Newpeople were not the first." Lucy said making Natsu confused once again, "humans were first, but after we advanced and became smarter as a society we made ports. And thus began the new species we know today as Newpeople."

Natsu nodded, "I would like for you to explain more. But you humans need water Food anywhere."

"Do you have sinks and toilets?" She questioned, "those have water and while normally I would never dream of drinking out of them there doesn't seem to be any other option. But as long as you have cups I'll be able to sip nicely."

Natsu nodded, "we have water bottles, our throats become dry. Cups are usually for superiors who drink whine during meetings. For water we only use bottles."

"Do you have animals?" Lucy asked. "And what are superiors?"

"Animals? No, all animals are said to be extinct." Natsu said, "we learned that when we were younger. And superiors are older people."

Lucy sighed, "there is so much to explain. But that will have to wait. For now take me to your home. I will conceal my identity by covering my ear with my hair. And for food I will eat your grass." Lucy looked down cringing at the thought of eating something someone had stepped upon.

"Grass? Is that good for you?"

"Yeah, like salads. But no dirt. Maybe flowers, not sure."

"Well follow me. I'll take you home."

On normal occasions Natsu's sagacity was very respected. But he didn't know what to do in this situation. All he could do was follow and hope to figure out everything as they go.

"What about parents? Your Ma and Pa?" Lucy asked, "how will they react?"

Natsu shrugged but apologized, Lucy shook her head allowing him to freely speak and do any gestures he desires.

"My mother had passed." Natsu said. Lucy lowered her eyes and sentimentally patted his shoulder, "sorry."

"No need. I don't feel very sad." He reassured. "When she passed my father and I treated it as normal. Which it is, when parents grow older they die."

"I knew kids in my village that grew up with no parents at all. The village took care of them." Lucy said. "But since your mother is...has passed on we just have to convince your father." Lucy suddenly laughed, "my mother was very hard to convince, but was very persuasive herself."

"She sounds amazing." He said in an almost sarcastic tone, as a child he was told to never speak in such manner but since she wasn't from the community he felt he could be free.

Lucy laughed and nodded, "she was." As they walked towards his home unit she couldn't help but ask, "is that your natural hair color?"

"Yes, I was born with this hair." He said, "actually many people are born with different colored hair; Erza has red; Lisanna and Mira white; and my father's a red."

"Are those Newpeople your friends?" Lucy asked. Natsu nodded, "Yes, but I don't talk to them as much. Maybe I should invite them over to meet you."


They arrived at a home that looked exactly like the others. White with big windows and a red single door.

"So alike." Lucy said. Natsu nodded, "Yeah they are, and I've actually never really realized."

Lucy giggled and waited for him to open the door. As they walked in his could see all the light off.

"You can come to my recharging pod. There is a bed, the bed is always to help recharge without pain coming to our necks and back. I am okay with sharing it with you like my mother did with my father."

Lucy nodded. She entered the room and laid down on the bed. "Goodnight Natsu."

"Goodnight?" He questioned but quickly realized that is how her kind talked like. "O-oh! Goodnight!"

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