Chapter 21| The Trip

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Groaning, panting, cussing, frustrated, angry. All of what the group was feeling. Lucy was remotely fine, being the only one who had done this before. The others were struggling.

They stopped not to long ago so Mira could throw up. She's not used to such heat. Lucy held her hair as Erza rubbed her back. They decided it would be best to camp out for a night.

Jellal, Natsu, and Levy were making the school bags into pillows and helped the boys start fires, she read a manual on what to do.

"Are you feeling any better?" Lucy asked as Mira took a swing of water. Mira nodded looking for something she could use to wipe her mouth. Levy grabbed the bottle from her hands, gulped some water down, and wiped her mouth with her arm releasing an ah as well as muttering a curse word, damn that's what I needed.

Since Levy read a lot of books that she had stolen from the superiors she knew almost everything about the world, expect how the humans weren't as bad as they make it seem, some were most noble.

"I can't wait to meet your parents. To have such a beautiful and smart child like you they must be wonderful." Mira complemented as she held her stomach.

"Thank you Mira. And I am very excited for you to meet them too."

The sun was setting which meant the night was near, and the cold would fall shortly afterwards. Lucy remembers the cold, how her nose became cold and she couldn't stop sniffling, her eyes were dropping and the tips of her hands were becoming pink for lack of warmth.

"I'm excited to met the boys," Levy said, "I hope their more rough and wild then the ones we know."

Mira giggled and Erza chuckled, "I bet they are."

Lucy nodded, "over there, you get the chose. Chose who you want to love and to have children with."

"That's sounds nice," Mira sighed heavenly, "I can't wait to find someone who will treat me wonderfully. No Lisanna to steal their attention away."

"You said it." Levy said as she sunk down behind a bag, "I'm going to rest."

The others nodded. Erza and Jellal shared a bag, Levy and Mira got separate bags while Lucy and Natsu shared one.

Lucy was shivering slightly, Natsu could feel her trembling and held her.

She sighed contently, she loved the warmth that came from Natsu, she would love it if her parents excepted him, and when she confesses her feelings she hopes he will return it.

"Goodnight Lucy." Natsu whispered into her ear. Lucy shivered and bit her lip, she needed to fight the urges, she wouldn't want to wake anybody up.

"Goodnight Natsu."

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