Chapter 20| Each Other

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"So you're going towards the east?" A guard asked. Lucy's heart dropped as she heard the talking. She had just woken up.

Lucy ran towards the others and shook them awake. Once they woke they immediately stood up and started walking towards the upper deck of the ship.

"Yeah, after that we're going to the north." The captain said.

A woman guard giggled as she twirled her hair, it's obvious she was interested.

"It is so interesting how you travel. I wish I could."

"Maybe one day you could."

The kids slightly gagged and walked silently. The wall was large with no holes whatsoever. How would they even escape?

"I think we should wait until the captain leaves, tell the guard lady we only walked out to pee and when we came back he was gone." Lucy suggested. They nodded and hide behind the nicely placed bushes.

As the captain tilted his hat slightly he walked back on the boat and started to sail away. Once gone from their sight the kids slowly leave the bush.

The woman sighed heavily, she must not talk to a lot of sailers. Must be boring.

"Excuse me?" Levy asked sweetly. Her puppy face showing.

"Oh dear! Why are you here! Why are you all here!" The woman asked with widen eyes.

"We were volunteering on the ships. We went to release ourselves of the liquid inside us and when we came back he was gone." Mira said nervously.

"Oh no, I'll have to call him back." The woman walked towards the back to signal the man. "I'm sorry children."

"No need ma'am." Natsu reassured as he watched her walk towards the back.

They all walked inside the small office. It wasn't small on the inside at all. Very large couches sat in the middle and a large desk on the right.

They walk farther and see a door towards the left all the way in the back. They all walk slowly towards the back.

"Do you think that's the door to outside?" Erza asked.

Lucy stood on her toes to look out the small window. There it was. The sandy dried up land she remembered.

She turned the knob but it was locked. Natsu and Jellal search the area looking for keys.

Levy looks on the desk and found a key holder. Picks up a red key and walks over to them.

"I have a strong feeling this one is it," she mutters as she places it inside the lock. Jellal and Natsu were the lookouts making sure the guard lady didn't come back yet.

They pushed the large desk towards the door of the room she entered so if she tried to leave she wouldn't be able to.

Levy got the door opened. Then turned the knob and opened the door inwards. They were hesitant.

Lucy was the first to step out. Feeling the soft sand beneath her feet. Since she woke up suddenly nobody had enough time to put on shoes or jackets. But luckily everyone got the bags.

"Are we ready?" Mira asked. Lucy nodded grabbing Natsu's wrist and pulling him towards the other side.

His eyes widen at the feel of the sand. He wiggles his toes to fill the sand more. Erza was next and she let out a soft gasp at the warmth. Mira stepped on the sand slowly and giggled and Levy jumped in, Jellal was last and he closed the door behind him. The door immediately locked itself.

"Is this it?" Jellal asked softly.

Lucy shook her head, "there is much more to go. It took me at least half a week without sleep to walk here."

Natsu grabbed Lucy's hand, "but at least we have each other."

Lucy nodded and laid a head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, we do."

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