XIII - Banish the Innocent

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"I have only killed one person in my life, and that is saying something since I have lived for the span of many, many lifetimes," Lucifer said out of the blue.

"You killed someone?"

Somehow after everything that I had learned about Lucifer it was difficult to imagine him actually taking the life of someone. He striked me as one of those people that would not only regret it for the rest of his life, but also feel guilty, torturing himself day in and day out. How many times in the two nights that I have spent with him had I seen what regret has done to him, because of things that happened. Things that was never really within his control to begin with. Things he would not have been able to have stopped even if he wanted too.

"I did kill someone... I regret it still, and it has been over two-thousand years ago. It never gets better. I still see the life seeping from his eyes. I can still smell the stench from the pool of blood that I left him in."

I understood. I knew who he killed, but he was scared to say the name.

"You killed Judas, didn't you?" I asked.

"I went after him that night. I could not let Jesus die without any form of justice. He was the one that Jesus loved the most, and he was the one that sold out a true and pure soul to the government; the true devil of hatred that was shaped in the true form of God. I did not want him to get away. I could not allow it. I wanted him dead with everything inside me. I had never wanted anybody dead that much in my life. And beyond that I wanted him to suffer. I needed him to feel the pain that he would be inflicting on hundreds the moment that Jesus would die. I wanted him to carry the cross of death for all of those who would die thanks to his actions. So yes, I followed him after he left the garden that night. I saw how a Roman guard took him into old stables where the horses used to sleep, not far from the garden where they had arrested Jesus. I saw him receive his payment for selling out Jesus. It was twelve lousy pieces of silver. Twelve! If he had gotten a job he could have made it in less than a year! He was a follower of Jesus himself. If he asked for money from any person that they had helped over the years, they would have gladly handed it over to him, no questions asked. But there he was. Smug and important with his bag of silver clanging in his hand. He was smiling. The sorry act was nothing more than just an act. He wasn't sorry at all. He never loved Jesus like I did, or all the other did. He was the one who had gotten the most love, and he was the one that stabbed Jesus in the back and led him to his death like a lamb to the slaughter.

"So I walked in when I knew he was alone. The frightening thing was that he recognized me immediately. I knew exactly who I was. Maybe Jesus told him, maybe he heard stories from the two Mary's. I will never know since I never asked. I watched him drop the bag of silver, trying to say sorry once again. I could not listen to him. I did not want to hear his false excuses anymore. I saw a piece of wood in the form of a stake. So before he could talk anymore I threw him against the wall and pushed the piece of wood right through his heart. I did not do it fast however. I did it slowly. I heard him beg. I saw the pain on his face as blood started to spill down his front and onto the ground. I was crying, knowing that was I was doing was wrong, but justifying it with the idea of it being justice. The last words to leave his lips was a pleading to Jesus to save his soul. I whispered into his ear that his soul was mine for the taking before I put my weight behind the piece of wood and ripped his body in two, spilling blood all over the earth. Making Judas the first person to die in the name of Jesus Christ from Nazareth."

I could not speak. I could see the entire scene playing of before my eyes, seeing Judas pleading for mercy from the man that he sold out. I could see Lucifer's face in front of me showing no mercy and driving the stake through Judas, pushing his body apart, breaking it in two. I could smell the blood and see it running over the silver that was laying on the ground. The blood money, now drenched in real blood.

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