XI - Birth of a Savior

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"It's time to turn that tape around you know," Lucifer said as he let go of hand and stood up from the chair. "Your apartment hasn't changed much."

"No it hasn't. I didn't really see the need to change it," I answered. Actually it was a lie. I just wanted it to remain the way he had seen it last. I wanted everything to remind me of him.

"You didn't see any need to live?" Lucifer asked, a skeptical look running over his face.

"What do you mean?"

"The only constant thing in life is change. Thus, if there is no change, there is no life," he answered, still looking around my apartment.

I knew that what he was saying was true, but I was nowhere near telling Lucifer that because of my longing for him my life really had stood still for a decade. I even still had the same bedding that he was in with me one night long ago.

"Should we continue? I really want you to tell me the whole story. Waiting for another ten years for the last part might kill me," I said as I switched the tape and pushed the record button, ready for Lucifer to tell me all that had happened.

"I woke up in hell. The red of the loving fire was beside me, holding me warm and keeping me from feeling the cold of the other realm. I wasn't scared when I woke up, but I was furious. What I felt was something that had not been felt on earth for many centuries, and something that was not supposed to be felt ever again. It was a feeling that told me that the peace that had been created on earth was ready to be shattered once again, and this time I feared for all humanity. The only reason why there was relative peace was because there was no immortals on earth to influence the humans. Every time that you set an immortal being on earth, everything shatters. We are creatures who get bored and then we tend to play with the lives of others, and not in a good way. With all I have been taught the immortals was not on the earth anymore. Except for Cain who was sulking somewhere in a cave, and maybe if Lilith was out there somewhere. Still, it was not their power that had awaken me. It was an older power. The power of one of my kind. An original heavenly being had descended upon earth, and I was determined to find out who it was. Who would want to come back to earth when my brother would not even want to come?"

"Why would something like that wake you if you put yourself into a permanent sleep?" I asked, just a bit curious.

"Because it was a force stronger than me. Older than me. It disturbed the curse I placed on myself."

"So you waked up and then went searching for this new power you are describing?"

"Without a doubt I did. It could have been anyone. Remember how Lilith's power evolved and how she got stronger and stronger. What if she was biding her time? Making herself stronger so that she could return with a greater force. I was very sure that she still was not over the death of Enoch, and her demons was with me now, so she had no idea where they were. Thus I had to go and see, before she started some kind of war, or tried to take revenge on God again. This time he would not go easy on her. So yes, I went to search for whatever it was out there. Maybe if I was lucky I would be able to rest my eyes on the one woman I truly loved once more. Now do you understand? I know you think that I was just addicted, but it was more. She was a force to be reckoned with."

"Yes, I guess I understand," I said as Lucifer finally took his seat in front of me again. I knew I was impatient and a little bit jealous of the love that Lucifer felt for Lilith, but I could not help it. I did not want to hear her name anymore. I wanted him to stay here with me forever, telling me all the stories in the world.

"You do not understand, but once again that does not matter. All you need to understand is that I went out to find this new force. I flew up into the starry night above me, and opened myself up to the immortal power that had woken me up from the deep sleep of peace I had been in. I was flooded again with memories, regrets and guilt, but I needed to make sure. I needed to be awake for this. I had to know what had happened to Lilith if I was to truly find peace in my heart. And so I picked up on this new found power very fast and it led me over the ocean to a place called Nazareth. The place that the people spoke of that housed the house of God. It didn't surprise me. I knew that if Lilith was alive and heard the stories she would do the same as me, draw the same conclusion and go and search for him there. What did surprise me is that the power did not take me just to Nazareth, but to the infamous temple that housed the ancient knowledge. It was there that I felt the pull the strongest I have felt it for millenniums. Although ever single bone in my body was screaming for me to go inside, I did not do it. I did not want to enter a house that was built in the honor of my brother. Some part of me felt that it was just too sacred to go into. I don't know why actually. Up to this very day I stay away from places of worship, not wanting to anger my brother more than I have angered him before. I prefer to keep a low profile. So near the entrance to the temple I found a tree. Beautiful and high, as if it had stood there for a century or more. An ancient oak tree that drew me near, giving me the best view and also the best protection for the surrounding eyes. There I sat waiting for the power on the inside to emerge and be touched by the light of the morning so that I would also be able to see who I really was."

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