XII - The Conversation

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"I think it's time that you put in a new tape," Lucifer reminded me.

"Sure. Do you want pizza?" I asked. Even through my disgust I was still human and I had not eaten since early the previous morning.

"No thanks," he replied and I dialed the usual number that would bring me my usual meal and energy drink.

"Should we wait for the delivery guy before we return to the story?" I asked.

"Whichever you would like," Lucifer said. "Want to have sex while we wait?"

I could not believe my ears. Here he was offering me the one thing I have dreamed of over the past ten years, craved for in every waking moment, and honestly I did not want it. I could feel my body reacting to his suggestion and his inhuman charm. I could not really resist his body with my body, but my mind was still strong enough with the memory of him wanting to kill a baby.

"I think we should rather return to the story. We are wasting time. I would prefer to get to the end of the story before I have to wait another ten years for the ending," I responded and put a new cassette into the recorder, ready to record the rest of the story.

"I don't have that much more of a story to tell. Believe me I am nearly finished. We wouldn't be wasting any time at all," Lucifer said with his seductive smile creeping over his face, making my body react even more to his undying charm.

"Let's just continue," I simply said, which was enough to bring myself to push the record button and Lucifer to continue telling me his story.

"As I had promised Mary Magdalene I returned to Nazareth and the temple exactly a year later to receive the news that the child was dead. I sat in the tree once again and waited, but this time not on Mary, but on Mary Magdalene. It was as if she had sensed me, because I did not have to wait very long. As soon as the night fell she came out alone and came to stand underneath the tree where I was hiding, softly whispering my name into the wind. She was calm as I jumped from the tree, ready to receive the news. It was then that I heard the most terrible news ever. She told me that she could not kill the baby. That he was blessed by God and was to lead their people into a world of love and peace. I wanted to scream at that moment. She was brainwashed just like the rest of humanity and could not see the greater picture. I was so outraged that it took every bit of me not to snap her neck right there and then for her stupidity. She could see how angry I was, so she warned me that everybody knew of my plan to kill the young boy Jesus Christ and that they would do everything to ensure his survival. At this I went crazy, but before I could get my hands around her neck there were people storming out of the temple, casting stones at me and saying prayers to God against me. I had never felt so hated in my life. Not even Lilith's most hateful wrath could compare with the negativity that these people pushed toward me. I decided that it was time to go, but I also vowed that they might have won the battle, but not the war. I sought solace in the desert after that. Waiting for the day the boy would be alone so that I could get rid of him."

"You tried to kill Jesus?" I knew that fact in my subconscious, but hearing Lucifer say it made it real. He had actually tried to organize the death of Jesus, the son of God.

"Yes, I tried to kill him in order to save millions of lives."

"But he never did anything hurtful to others. He helped and healed," I said still in shock.

"That might be true, but in his memory many more were killed than the ones he saved. But before making your final judgment of me allow me to finish my story completely. After that I will allow you to believe what you want. Just give me one chance to finish," Lucifer said, almost begging. The old Lucifer that I knew was back. The one who showed remorse for his actions, always blaming himself for everything.

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