A Note From The Author

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A few years back I wrote a book... 

Not a very popular one to sell, and definitely not one that publishers wanted to take a chance on. They loved the concept, but each and every rejection letter said the same: "We don't think it is the right time to tell this story. People are offended to easily."

So now, after quite a few years, I have decided to publish it here on Wattpad. Maybe some of you will enjoy it. Some of you may hate it. I wrote it in only 3 weeks, and it is by far the book I enjoyed the most to write. Not because of the characters, but because of the morals that I tried to work into it. That we each have our own truth. That nothing is just black and white. That sometimes the biggest villain is actually the victim, just as the biggest hero might be a hidden asshole. 

This book is a tale of fiction and not to be associated with any religion, belief system, or philosophy of life. This book was not written to offend any person, but only to show the moral lesson that there is two sides to every story. That the truth might be hidden from view as lies are believed and that many people can get hurt in the process of not wanting to listen to the story from both sides.

I, the author, thank you for reading this book and hope that you will be able to look past the characters into the lesson hidden deep within the words and between the lines and will carry it with you always.

Thanks also to my love for taking the photo that is the cover, and to my brother for being the best model and the way I imagined Lucifer to look like. 

In love, light, and truth,

C.A. Kerst

My Night With LuciferWhere stories live. Discover now