VIII - Divided We Stand

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"The world was different now. It was a completely new age and the population was strange to us. For the first time I saw buildings, very different from what you know today, but still magnificent for the time and age. Every age has something that I love, and in this age it was the buildings. Mainly because it was truly a first, but also because it meant that I could maybe have one of my own someday. That I could abandon my cave for something a bit better. Something which would make Lilith proud of me, and maybe make her want to be with me again. So we searched for Cain and Enoch. Going from city to city, but they were nowhere to be found. Nobody had ever heard of their names. Some knew of Cain, but to them he was a folk tale. A legend that was made up to scare their children with. It took one hundred and fifty years before we would eventually find a clue, leading us to something more concrete. In all this time Lilith did not show her hatred once. It had been more than three centuries since I had seen Lilith use her powers against humans, to kill and to torture."

"I have to ask. What is your favorite age? You said there is something about each age that you love, so which was your favorite?" I asked, eager to know.

"I do not have a favorite, because just as beauty comes with each era, so does war, sickness, pain, and sadness. I love them all, but I hate each of them as well," Lucifer answered after thinking deeply.

"But if you had to choose one," I urged.

"Then it would have to be when I was still in the garden and Lilith was just created. I still had hope for the human race then. I don't have that hope anymore," said Lucifer simply.

"So you don't have any hope left for us?"

"No. I don't. Look around you. Never through the ages has there been more pain and suffering than there is right now at this very moment. I lost my hope for human kind a long time ago."

"I understand," I answered.

"No you don't, and that is okay. You do not need to understand everything, but one day you will know that I was right."

"I hope I will."

"I hope that you won't. Nobody needs to feel that much pain, but then again pain is infinite, just awaiting its chance to knock on your door," Lucifer said. He looked sad again.

"Maybe we should rather continue the story?" I said, hoping to take his mind of his pain and sorrow.

"In the centuries that we travelled the world in search for Cain I saw many things I wished I could have unseen. The great flood might have been something of the past, but the pain of it still lingered all over the earth, begging for mercy and peace. Everywhere we went there was spirits. Immortal pieces of the humans that had died in the great flood. Now they were trapped. Seeing others living the lives they so wished to live again, ever searching and grieving as a punishment for believing me when I screamed at God. They blamed me, I could feel it. They believed me and now they were doomed to spend eternity screaming into an abyss with nobody to hear or help them. Always lingering and never finding any peace. I did not want them to suffer as I had to for many centuries, but there was nothing that I could do. I could not release them. With the flood came a terrible curse which meant eternal torment for every single soul that had ever lived, and there was nothing that I could do about it. Again God had proven to be merciless and cruel, making me want even less to do with him. It was one of these spirits that gave me the information I was searching for, in return for mercy. I promised him that I would do everything in my power to release him and all the others, if ever I could find a way. He then told me about a city where a bloodsucker was living, which he believed to be Cain. It was said to be a magnificent city full of wonders, much ahead of any other city in the world. Without even giving it a second though Lilith and I set of to find this wonderful city.

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