III - The Creation

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Lucifer pushed his long blonde hair out of his eyes, laid across the table and cupped my face in his hands.

"Let's just get one thing straight before we start," he said. "God never created the world. Never. He only ever created two people. No more, no less. He has never been the hero you all think he is. He has never been the brightest star in the sky. He has always been an entity, doing as little as he could at any given moment in time."

"That kinda comes off as a little bit petty," I said as I removed Lucifer's hands from my cheeks and softly setting them down on the table. The touch of his hands were soft, as if he had never worked a day in his life.

"It might sound like that at first, but I'm not sour. I'm not jealous, and I'm sure as hell not angry at him. I'm just disappointed in what has happened in the past. I never said he was a bad guy. I'm just stating that you lot have given him some credit over the years that he never worked for and can never deserve." Lucifer quickly withdrew his hands and wiped what looked like a tear away. Maybe he was just tired. Until the day I die I will never know if I actually saw the Devil cry.

"So where do we begin?" I asked.

"I don't know. Honestly. There has been so much drama in the past few millenniums that I barely know where to start. Why don't you just warm up with some questions and we take it from there?" Lucifer replied and leaned back in his chair, as if he was getting ready for a long sit.

For a moment I fumbled with the tape recorder. Once again thinking of how lucky and fortunate I was. Being the first person allowed to get real answers about real things. Then I started:

"Let's start at the very beginning. Let's go back to before Genesis. Before God. Before even the Earth was created. How did he come to be? How did you come to be?"

"And the very first question you pose I have no answer too. You see, we have very much the same story as you do. Lots of creation myths, no knowing which one is true. As far as anyone can remember we were just there. Floating in a big black abyss of heavenly beings. Another dimension so to speak. Just wanting for more in life. Wanting for a purpose in our dull existence. We didn't know where we came from. There were mumblings from the older ones, stories so to speak. There is one about a big ball of gas exploding and creating the heavenly beings. Another speaks of a creator very much like the story you know from Genesis in your scriptures. So my true answer is that I don't know. We were just there. Me and God and all the others. We were 14 children. He was the oldest. I was the youngest. That was all we knew. If he knows more, he never confided in me."

"Who are the 'we' that you are talking about?"

"We. The others. All the Gods and Goddesses and heavenly beings as you like to call us. You know them by many names. God, Isis, Senoi, Diana, Zeus, Artemis, Cernunnos, Azriel, Michael, and many others. Together we were more than 10,000 in numbers, and even then we procreated in quick, vast numbers, just as some of us died the eternal death when it was our times to move on."

"So what you mean to tell me is that there was never just God? That there was a multitude of Gods?"

"That's exactly what I am trying to tell you. There were so many, and like anything in existence we also got bored. We needed something to keep us from just having to survive. And so the many families split up, and started a new fashion, very much in the same manner that a fashion starts today. One person would do something new and all the rest would follow suit. They all went over to the other dimension, or the Blue Abyss as we used to call it. And so they all said goodbye to our old home and explored something new. That's how it all came to be. They all came to the place we now call Earth, and as I said with fashion, the one followed the other, until only me and my brothers were left on the other side. It wasn't our choice. Many of us wanted to go, but God, being the oldest had the last say and he decided that we should stay."

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