V - The Tale of the Bloodsucker

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My hands were trembling as I searched for some more tape. I knew I had some empty recording tapes somewhere, but I just could not find them. All I could find were tapes I had bought a long time ago, including the first album by the Swedish pop group Aqua, which I had decided would bite the dust next.

I still could not believe the reality of the tale. I grew up in a weird home, but even I had heard the stories of God, the Devil and the many incarnations, tales, fables and myths that was told as a truth to me. I was designed by the people around me to believe every single one of them. I had built my entire life on the morals of one book that I had to hold dear to my heart, or spend a damnation in a hell of a place full of fire and people eating on other people. That was a part of me. It was in the way that I taught, the way I spoke and even the way that I had written all my life. Now only to find out that my entire life was based on a lie. That the very foundation of my truth was nothing but an illusion that I was barely aware of in the first place. It's not like I had ever been a firm believer, but I had been brought up in a certain way. A way that tells you to fear the Devil and not pity him. Here I was, not only pitying him, but even wanting to believe in him, stand by him, and support him in all his future ventures.

As I sat back at the table I put the tape into the recorder, eager to hear what else was going to come from Lucifer's mouth that would shock me even further.

"Please continue," I told Lucifer as I pushed the record button.

"You are truly ready to hear the rest?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"We all have choices. Sometimes we just choose to make the wrong one," Lucifer said as he looked me straight in the eye, as if daring me to go against him. Say that he might be wrong.

"That might be true, but you didn't give me much of a choice." It was the truth. He just started telling me his story!

"Yes I did. Remember when you stood there, ready to jump and end your mortal life? I was standing next to you and I gave you a choice. You chose to stay alive to hear one last story. No, I agree you have yet to make your final decision, and depending on what I will tell you on our night of the past, you will decide if you want to stay alive with this story inside your heart, and if you will choose to return to that same place to end it all. Whichever choice you make I do not care. In the end, I never took your choice away. I did not even make you choose. I just gave you a chance to extend your choice until you have heard my story."

What Lucifer had said might have seemed like rambling to another person, but I understood exactly what he was saying. He was telling me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The one thing I had always been scared of. The one this every man craves for but never truly wants in his life, because as soon as you are confronted with the truth your life has a way of spiraling downwards.

"Should we just continue the story?" he asked frowning.

"Yes. Please, let's do," I answered, not wanting to be confronted with the truth any longer.

"Where was I? Oh, yes... We were outside the garden. I had just rescued Adam, Eve, and most of the creatures that I had created. By this time Adam and God had named almost all of them. I liked some of the names, others I didn't like at all, but once you give something a name it sticks. Names are very powerful you know. Your name vibrates at a certain frequency and it truly does alter you in a certain way, but let us not get into that now. Fact is, I was outside of the garden and the one woman I had truly loved had fled away from my side just because I had made the wrong decision. It didn't seem wrong at the time that I made it, but in the following years it would become obvious that Lilith was right in wanting me to let them perish with the garden and all of my creation. I have heard people say that everything is exactly how it's supposed to be at any given moment in time. Others believe without a doubt that there is a purpose for everything in life and that someday you will see the reason for your difficult times. That is obviously not true. Mortals had never wanted to take accountability for their own actions. They want to blame anything else for their own wrong decisions. They are always looking for a scapegoat. In a way I have been that for many centuries without end. When they did something wrong I would get blamed. Any tribulation in their lives would be blamed on me. The typical 'the devil made me do it' concept which people had come to love over the years. I don't like it. I hate it. I cannot change the way people think, so I have given up on it completely and just learned to live with it."

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