Oh Peter...

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This is Tony's pov, and I'm already sorry in advance. This chapter wasnt requested, I just wrote an intro to a different fanfiction about a certain Mr.Brock (Idk if I'm going to ever publish that book) and thought I could make this into a oneshot :)

I slam the car door and run down the path, shining my flashlight everywhere. "Peter!" I yell, looking around frantically in the search of him. He might still be alive. I reach the end of the public trail and without a second thought I jump over the small boarder and into the dark, thick forest and continue through the now over-grown path, hardly seeing where I was stepping. "Peter!" I yell once more, in hopes of a responce. Shining my flashlight around I come to an abrupt stop, almost running into a huge spiderweb with a spider on it. I duck and keep running, desperate to find him. I notice a long piece of clean, new string. It's the one he took with him from home. I step off the pathway and run, following the string. Since this ground here isn't actually meant for running, I step into a hole, and fall to the ground, getting dirt on my shirt. I groan and get up, and continue running because there still is a chance. I won't lose faith until I find him. "Peter!" I yell again, still looking around with my flashlight. I come to a stop. The string ends here. "Peter!" Nothing. "Peter!" I yell a bit louder this time, with my hands around my mouth in order for the sound to travel farther away. No responce. I walk a bit, shining my flashlight everywhere I look, even high up he is a spider afterall. Suddenly I notice him. Right there, 15 feet ahead of me behind all these trees, is a body, hanging from a rope, wearing the jacket I got him. The jacket I got him for our first christmas together after his aunt died and he moved into the compound. The first christmas with him as my son. That was three years ago. Tears threatening to fall I walk closer, not wanting to leave until I'm sure it's him. I stand there, facing his back as he hung from the tree. I turn him around, and there it is, his face looking down on the ground with his hair falling straight down. "Oh Peter..." I mumble to nobody other than myself, silent tears streaming down my cheeks and onto the ground. I let go of him and wipe my cheeks, turning around and walking back to the trail.


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