Peter meets Loki... And Valkyrie part 2

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Peter introduced Valkyrie and Loki to the world of "complete nonsense", as the others liked to call it when it was just memes and vines, and the Avengers were regretting the fact that they ever let the three hang out. Ever. The first time they left the three alone in the tower was when they were called into an Avengers meeting by SHIELD, and had to leave Peter, Loki, and Valkyrie because none of them were the Avengers.

Peter ran into the lounge, startling the two watching "Big Bang Theory". He stood at the end of the couch for a bit before losing his patience and pausing the show. "Guyssss!!! I have an idea!!!" Loki looked bored and Valkyrie looked mildly interested, so he groaned. "It involves irritating the others." he now had their full attention.

"Speak of your idea, mortal." Peter hated it when the two called him that, so they did it even more.

"We're going to watch vine compilations!!" Peter said making big gestures with his hands, and grabbed the remote opening up YouTube, sitting down on the couch between them.

Two hours later when the others came back, they didnt expect to see Valkyrie throwing Loki and yelling YEET, but that's exactly what happened.

The door to the compound floor opened, and they all screamed when they saw Loki flying across the room, and a 'YEET'. Tony cautiously stepped out of the elevator, and made a weird face as Peter stood in his suit, saying 'ITS WEDNESDAY MY DUDES' and then letting out a screech. The others were now getting concerned, but it turned into confusion when Tony turned around and pointed to the elevator, mouthing something for them to stay silent and get back into the elevator.

Their freedom was cut short when Loki yelled. "PETER LETS DO GET HELP!". Tony and Thor both rushed out to the lounge with different things in mind.

"BROTHER YOU NEVER WANT TO DO GET HELP WITH ME" "PETER WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING?!? THATS DEFINITELY NOT SAFE!" The three all looked up at them, Loki holding Peter over his head, Peter holding his hands up and Valkyrie grinning at the two while drinking something. Loki puts Peter down and she hands the bottle over to Peter who drinks it also. "Valkyrie did you just give a bottle of alcohol to a kid??" Tony exclaims and she takes the bottle back, one sip and the bottle is empty.

"No." Tony almost sighs in relief but then screeches. He's actually done. "it's perfume."

"WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU DRINK PERFUME THATS NOT MEANT FOR THAT!!!" he yelled, and then stormed out after swooping Peter up and ignoring his protests of being carried away. "You young man are in so so so much trouble."

"He's definately Peters dad."

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