Because of Hope

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~~~ Notice:

This is the second to last chapter!!!!

Wooohooo!!!! ~~~

"Hey, you. Are you an idiot?"

Am... am I dead?

"Hey, lady, open your eyes will ya? Or are you deaf too?"

I didn't realize what had happened until I realized that a soft, warm and fluffy shivering body was hugging my waist.

"Fyde!" I happily exclaimed when I noticed the adorable puppy boy. He looked at me teary eyed and I saw that his nose snout area was splattered with blood.

"Sometimes I think you're a mute, ya know." Luger grunted as he tried his best to hold off the pillar over all of our heads. I couldn't help but make the biggest smile.

"I knew..." I told the both of them beginning to cry. "I don't know how, but somewhere in my heart I knew you guys were still alive!"

Luger looked at me, his intimidating facial features still as scary as before, but now for some peculiar reson, I suddenly found them comforting.

"It's all thanks to that dog." Luger struggled to say. "If he hadn't gone all big and bad wolf mode when he did, we would have never gotten away from Apocalypse."

I looked at them teary eyed.

The fact that they're here... that they're alive... I'm just grateful!

"Come on, let's get moving." Fyde said tugging my shirt. " Luger's strong, but he can't hold that heavy pillar forever." I looked at Fyde as he gently took my hand and lead me out.

His hand is so soft...

"Hey, you got a little something right here..." Fyde said as we got from underneath the huge pillar. He focused on wiping something off of my collarbone, but the moment he touched my skin, he whipped his hand back.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned. He looked at his hand to my skin.

"You're cold!"

Yet you grabbed my hand no problem.

I couldn't help but laugh, and Fyde smiled, wagging his tail seeing me happy.

"Come on," He said. "Let's get going. The others are waiting on the other side of the pillar." I let Fyde lead me around the pillar back to Blake before I finally looked back down at my chest and noticed how I was oozing something black.

Is... is this my blood?

I wiped all of it away, and realized that I really was freezing in my chest area, near where I imagined my death orb was. Trying even harder to wipe the black blood off, I  hoped it wouldn't be too noticeable.

Let's keep this to myself...

"Snow!" I heard Blake's voice before I actually saw him, and was surprised when something hurled at me, knocking me down to the floor.

"What the...?" I tried to see, but the figure blocked my vision.

It smells like Blake...

"Blake," I said softly, now sure that the shivering figure that had knocked me down again and was now sitting on my lap was a severely shaken up wood elf. "I'm okay Blake... I'm okay."

"You idiot!" He yelled with his eyes clenched shut together, and his body shaking. Finally, my eyes adjusted and I could see all of the faces that had surrounded him. The familar faces of the people that had surrounded us.

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