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"I can smell it," Vistra said inhaling with her eyes closed, her nose slightly twitching.

"I can smell your blood."

Then, she almost looked embarrassed.

"I... I saw Luger running..." she said slowly, almost as if she was restraining herself.

"He was running on all fours and laughing. I figured him and his jolly jock of tools were probably playing hide and bite. And that they were most likely to assign the new kid the beast role. That's why I had come."

“Of course,” I muttered under my breath,  thinking something completely different, and not realizing that my mouth had not yet caught up to my mind. “I’ve heard about that.”

“What have you heard?”

Oh snap, she heard me! What should I say?

I watched her black and red blood thirsty eyes and decided to be blunt.

“That you're hundreds years old and still look sixteen.” I blurted. My eyes went wide with bewilderment as I realized what I had just said, and I fidgeted while hoping she didn't decide to kill me on a whim.

What the hell is wrong with me!?  I looked over at her then shut my eyes tightly and began to pray for my life.

Please don't kill me! I can't die sleepy! I still have to figure out where the world's most comfy bed is so that I can take a nap in it!

Instead, she smirked to herself, much to my surprise. Her red pupil reverted back to white,  and she smiled as her veins ceased to bulge.  “Anything else?”

Stunned, I rolled some possible phrases I could use to respond over in my head.

...She....she isn't going to kill me?

“Well,” I said, unsure on how much to reveal while managing to carefully avoid offending the harbinger of death- Vistra the infamous blood sucker.

"My wrist is bleeding and it hurts me like hell, but I really wanna ask you something else."

"Which would be...?"

“They say— that is, some of them say—”

“Who says?” She interrupted, slowly smacking her lips.

“Oh." Then a pause. "Blake and Nina." I said, bringing them up to distract her from me. "They hate you, you know.”

“I know,” she said grinning.  Confused and fearful, I warily looked down at my tied and bruised hands and gave a breath, wishing that I could sigh into my hands.


I felt the rope loosen and fall, and I looked up in front of me at Vistra who had an uninterested expression bolted onto her face as she stood in front of me.

She blew debris off her nails, and I realized that she had gotten off the bookshelf, cut the rope, and still had time to look good, all within a few mere seconds.

Such amazing speed...

 “Some say it’s a scam, that its impossible to live hundreds of years under the influence of humans and avoid detection….. others claim that I'm a human in disguise, and was born with a disease that makes me look young."

I watched patiently and she arched an eyebrow at me.

“It is difficult for them to understand,” she elaborated.

“That someone who isn't a human, can look like one, outlive one, and surpass them,  simply by drinking their blood."


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