Friends make a family

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In life, you meet an abundance of people. Some with various dreams or goals, and some who don't have any goals, and are simply lazily drifting down life's endless stream.

I am one of those people that you meet, that just want to get the tiring events over with.

I didn't want any of this! So why is it that all of these guys...

Blake gave me a cheerful smile as he grabbed my hand, this time, with two extended claws that seemed to be made from wood. I looked into his face feeling perplexed, and peer past him to see what had happened to Nina.

Nina was beating the hell out of the lion's face with the metal pipe for earlier, while Dan and Ralph battled the snake tail with their bare fist.

Luger the lizard man and chihuahua ears Fyde were choking the goat, and had already managed to break one of it's two horns. I looked back at Blake even more confused than I began.

"But, h-how?" I stammered. "You... weren't you...?"

"Exhausted? " He smiled, as he finished my sentence for me, then nodded. "Yup, ah, as you can probably see, Miss Vistra here decided to loan me some last minute energy so that you wouldn't uh, you know."

I looked beside him and saw Vistra looking over the ledge glaring right at me. She huffed, before walking away.

"I don't know what you did," Blake began as he pulled me up with tremendous force. I furiously blushed as he carried me in the bridge position. "But you got someone as unpredictable as Vistra to go save your life instead of taking it. You truly are, one of a kind Snow."

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"I just don't understand," I stated confused as I watched everyone pour their hearts into defeating this one massive beast. "Why would you all go and risk your life, just to save mine?" I faced Blake and saw his eyebrows furrow together as tears began to soak my cheeks. "Why save me? You hate humans! "

"You underestimated us Snow! We're not the type of people to let something as trivial as a small dislike get in the way of a friendship!" Dan called out as he roughly held the snake in a choke hold. The dark skinned Ralph punched out one of the snake's eyes as he yelled his agreement.

"The Eminem look alike is right!" He roared and Blake chuckled.

Dan... Ralph...

"Just because we tied you to a chair doesn't mean we don't like you, ya know!" Luger laughed out as he broke the goat's other horn. Fyde howled as he agreed.

"The bone heads right. We like you Snow! Just cause you're a human, it ain't gonna change that!"

Luger... Fyde...

"You have to be a stupider dumbass then Blake if you thought for a single second that I would go down without defending you, and your honor!" Nina broke the pipe in two, and jammed both peices into the lion's forehead, as if it was to have the horns. It was gross and disturbing,  but I tried to focus on her touching words.


"Like I've said before..." Vistra called out as she strolled away. "It'd be a pity to watch such a pure soul to be rid of."


"We've all come to adore you, before and after what's happened. " Blake said grinning at the gore filled sight. Like I mentioed before, it was gross, but touching.


"A few years back during the human species war, I was an ally of the humans, posing as an American soldier. One day, I returned home, but I didn't realize that my comrades had followed me. They raped my mother and adopted human little sister while my father was away. They killed my mother before my eyes, and enraged, I transformed into my beast form and killed all of the soldiers. But in doing so, I had pushed my sister away. In order to save her, I had to become one of the very monsters she feared. And I hated humans because they made me do it.

"But, ever since I met you, I've remembered something. Not all humans are the same. They can be kind hearted and friendly. This was something I I had long forgotten." Then he paused smiling.  "We are your friends! And personally, I I like you, so no way I'll let you die just like that."

I saw a peculiar brightness in his eyes that I hadn't noticed before. A bit surprised, I reached out to touch his cheek to ensure myself that this was actually Blake, and not some robot clone or something of the sort.

He doesn't care that I'm a human, despite disliking the species... I wonder why that is...

In return, he set me down, and with his rough wooden hands, wiped my cheek of the tears that had stained it. Or at he least tried to. He gave me a splinter!

Noticing me flinch, he laughed as he suddenly pulled me close to him.

"I don't care what you are..." He whispered into my ear, as he held me tightly.

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The beast was almost dead as Blake continued his hushed words into my ear.

"I'll defend you until my last breath."

"Because your my friend, right?" I remarked. He looked at me smiling and shook his head embarrassed.

Content, because I had never seen him so bashful before,  I chuckled while he fretted.

"My feelings might be a bit more... complex." He muttered.

We both turned our attention as the Chimera rose up once again, shook everyone off its coat and roared.

Uh oh!

"So...loud!" Nina grimaced as she grabbed her ears. The very ground shook as the beast let loose a furious roar.

" You dare to mock me, a noble and great beast, with such flowery words? " It roared. My eyes flung open as I looked at it in shock.

"It can talk?"

Dan looked at me stupidly as he heard my comment.

"This coming from a person that owns a talking moving teddy bear."

" Silence! Fools! " The Chimera's rasping and grating voice made me flinch, and it began to feast it's hungry eyes only apond me. Suddenly, it seemed as if I became the sudden victim of a harsh glaze.

" I have come to collect one soul, but now? I shall only be at rest until all of your blood paints my coat red, and till your bones disintegrate in my belly! "

We all watched as the Chimera roared, a loud, defeaning sound. Also, there was a distinctive cracking noise originating from the beast as we began to notice that the Chimera was becoming bigger.

Much, more bigger.

"Uh, guys..." Fyde called out as we all began to back away from the Chimera that was growing to be larger than the bridge itself.

"We might have a problem here."

The Tainted Snow's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now