Her Unknowing Savior

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Later that night

"You can't stay here! You have to go!" A woman's voice begged. I felt myself sniffle and cry.

Am...am I dreaming again?

"I won't leave you!" I yelled as I arched my back trying to pull at the metal bars that kept her inside.

Who am I?

We we're in a dark wet tunnel that had water dripping from the rooftop, much like a dark sewage, but without the river of polluted water.

"Maybe if we get something to wedge in between the walls, we can-"

"There's no time." The voice said sadly. I looked into the woman's blood soaked hair and crystal blue eyes, and despite the fact that she was crying, she was smiling at me.

"Don't do this to me Hailey."

"You're our only hope." She said through tears. "Live for the both of us from now on."


Those were the last words that she would ever speak to me, or to anyone for that matter. She had been caught in one of the deadly traps, and with all the walls closing in on her, all that could be heard from behind the bars was the snapping of bones as she disappeared from my view.

I glared at the closed walls in shock.

Oh my god...

Unable to speak, and driven by instinct, I began to claw at the walls, and even tried to force them open through the bars.

"No!" I screamed in denial as I began to cry hysterically. Soon, my hands began to feel different, and somehow, I managed to remove the bars that kept me from the enclosed walls, and opened the gray walls apart.

Sometimes, I wished I hadn't. No words could describe how loudly I screamed that day when I first saw what was left over of Hailey.

I'm going to be sick...

"There she is! Get her!"  I looked around the corner of the hallway and saw local policemen approach me. They weren't from the military squad unit, or from back at the lab, so I just ignored them. Grabbing Hailey -or rather her bloody intestines and fractured blood soaked skull- I couldn't help myself but sob.

"Raise your hands where we can see them! " One of the cops called out. I then realized that they weren't just pointing flashlights at me.

They had their guns at me too.

Why violence? They don't even know what's going on yet, so why are they...?

"Why?" I asked confused. They looked at at me incredulously.

"You just commuted murder, and you're asking us why? Put your hands in the air!"


I looked at the police squad of five men in disbelief. Murder?! Me? Are they kidding me?  Couldn't they see that I was suffering too? That I had just lost someone seconds ago? That I was a victim?

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