Memories Of Somebody Else

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I'm...unconscious. I know it. This isn't real... It can't be real..!

So why does it make me feel like crying?

How long has it been in the outside world? In the real world? I've been stuck in my head for what feels like forever now.

I'm sick and tired of seeing these terrible memories. I'm tired of seeing people die.

The memory when that poor girl gets crushed to death and I get shot at. Or the one where I kill someone by staking my hand into their heart...These memories don't even belong to me!

So where are they coming from?

I slowly opened my eyes into the brightness of the laboratory.

Another dream?

"Oh, you're awake. Sleep well?" I looked into the face of the rosy cheeked scientist that always tried to comfort me. But I knew the truth. And she knew I knew it.

There was no more need for the small talk.

"Aw, come on. Won't you speak to me?" I turned away from her, covering my face with my hair.

Wait a minute... am I naked!? And in... A metal cage? What the hell!

I jumped when I felt the injection.

"Oh silly, you should be used to this by now." The scientist murmured, while cleaning the needle of excess blood. "You've been here for years ever since the military unit captured you. You should know better."

This is the memory of someone who's been experimented on by the research unit?

"When will you let me go Clara?" I asked venomously. "When you finish sucking me dry of my blood? Will it be until my feeble bones break from the weight of such inhumane experiments?"

"What right do you have to speak?" The woman yelled hitting the cage. I flinched back into the corner surprised.

"You humans have been experimenting with non humans for decades! And for what? Simply meddling around with no goal! We, however, are on the verge of creating the most powerful hybrid ever! The most cunning, strongest being that ever existed! All in the capable shape of a human!"

The scientist glared before smiling at me, while I watched back in fear.

"And it's all thanks to one puny... teenage girl."

What's going on here?

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"While the reaping seems to be successful, she still hasn't woken up." One of the lower members of the death group informed Dominic who had been sitting on his throne. He sighed obviously displeased, and swatted him away.

"Do you see what you've done?" Astrid said angry. "You've killed her!"

"Astrid!" One of the members sharply called. It was Sidney, the association's master healer. She looked at Astrid disapprovingly, while shaking her head.

Astrid looked at Sidney, then looked back at Dominic sighing.

"What are your plans my lord?" Sidney asked him from where she was, leaning against the doorway. Her arms were crossed, her differently colored eyes piercing.

It seemed as if she was also unhappy with the turn of events.

Dominic stood from his throne, throwing back the black hood that always kept prying eyes from his face. Almost instantly, any lower level members left the room until all that was left was the three members.

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