A Kidnapped Snow

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Blake watched as Snow gripped Dominic's hand, and begin to fall unconscious. Blake stopped in his tracks then, because he knew another step would mean Snow's life.

"Dominic!" Blake called out. "Why did you come here?"

"To pick up an important package of course," The assassin replied. "But I'm surprised. She took my hand rather willingly. I didn't have to do much persuading as I thought I'd have to."

Dominic carried Snow's limp body off the snow with his two hands, and began to glare at Blake.

"She must have been unhappy here. Your actions haven't harmed the mistress in any way, has it brother?"

"I am not your brother." Blake said venomously. Then looking away ashamed, he added,  "Not anymore."

Dominic sighed with a small smile before brushing by Blake. Blake knew he couldn't do anything to him now, it was just too late.

He couldn't risk Dominic tearing Snow into pieces, now that they've made contact.

"You can't have her. " Blake said clenching his fist, knowing full well that this battle was lost. "She'll never cross over to the death organization."

"It really has been prophecy, brother." Dominic said, walking away from Blake.

"She met an ex assassin, befriended an ancient vampire, and grabbed the hand of death."

Blake looked back at the assassin startled, only to discover that they was already gone.

"She will be our leader." His ghastly voice whispered in the empty air.

A frenzy gripped ahold of Blake then, as he screamed into the sky, then gripped the snow underneath him as he fell to his knees.

He noticed how Charles laid limply in the snow, a frozen cube.

"She's... gone." He said beginning to cry, holding the frozen stuffed toy.

"Nina's going to kill me."

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Blake remained still on the snow all morning until mid day. He knew full well that he would probably never see Snow's beautifully lethargic face. The face that had always looked up to him while searching for something unknown in his eyes.

Yet for some reason- hope still burned inside of him, like a small flame that refused to be flickered out.

So, he got up, went inside the building, and met with the group he had assembled after he had left the Death association.

Blake walked into the room, and everyone was acting rowdy and boisterous with the exception of Dan and Nina. With one look at Blake, she knew what they had just lost.

Snow was gone.

"How?" Nina said, her face dark and twisted with the vindictive urge to hurt. Everyone became silent at this, more out of fear then respect of Nina, and became attentive to the situation.

"Dominic himself came to collect Snow, who was more then willing to go with him." I began as I looked out of the window.

" He must have promised her something, but regardless of what it was, she doesn't even consider the consequences of signing a deal with that selfish man."

"You used to be the group's leader," Ralph brought up. "You should know how things tick. Any advice?"

"It all depends." Blake said sighing frustrated. "There's an exception to every rule in the book. I can't tell any of you something for sure, in the case that one wrong move from my end kills any of you."

"We can't just leave Snow in Dominic's hands!" Nina began clearly upset.

"Besides, that boy is a bigger fool then you! And if we're unlucky, this just might be the beginning of a new path of hurt for everyone."

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I woke up feeling well rested, for the first time in ages. I yawned, and looked around, then went back to bed. Then, I noticed it.

Wait, what the hell?

I got up from my bed and looked around.

"This is my room from the human world!"

My mom walked in and opened the curtains while humming to her favorite tune.

But... you're supposed to be dead...

"Mom!" I jumped out of bed and ran to her, eyes full of tears. "Mom..!" I began to cry tears of joy, and prepared to embrace her in a hug when my hands went right through her.


"Mom..." My voice trailed off as I realized that my mother wasn't real. She looked at me, and her hand reached to hold my cheek, but I pulled back. Her face was blurred, and her body transparent.  She was a ghost living on in my memories.

I laughed sinisterly, and laid my palms onto my eyes while suddenly screaming, angry with myself that I had forgotten the truth. "Oh. That's right." I remembered.

"Everyone is already dead."

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"Snow has entered the dream state coma Dominic. Is there anything else you may need of me?" The current leader of the Death group swatted away the healer Sidney and sat comfortably on his throne, surrounded by mounds of various golden treasures.

"Dominic!  You can't do this!" The green eyed winged beauty swiftly approached him, and did not kneel as required by every member. He always admired how her looks captivated everyone, but tried not to forget her fierce nature.

She was, after all, the only member powerful enough to conquer the Chimera, and to actually keep him as a pet. A pet that he always enjoyed toying with.

His silent glare signaled for her to continue on.

"You know the risk!" She snarled. "What if she doesn't wake up? Did you consider that? We finally get our master... but you decide to risk it all... her life... her sanity. Just to ravish through her memories as if there's something there to begin with!"

Dominic stood up from his throne, and approached her so that they were eye level.

"The research unit," Dominic began slowly, playing with a gold coin with the knuckles of his hand. "They have been a thorn at our side. We could reap Snow of her memories and use them against the R.U , or sell Snow back to them in exchange for a large profit. Either way, we win. So stop worrying."

"She's our master." The girl growled. Dominic glared at her disappointed.

"No." He corrected. "I am, Astrid. And we will do things my way, until I see that fragile teenaged girl fit for the role."

With that, Dominic left, and the black raven named Astrid was left to look after Snow, who was laid out flat on stone table a small distance from Dominic's throne.

She had needles in her, injecting something that had encouraged her coma.

Soon, they would be pulled out, and Snow would have a couple hours before she would be required to wake up. If she did not, then she would be declared unstable. And if that was to happen, she'd be sold back to the Research unit for a large profit, as a disabled leader is a useless leader.

The research unit, the very same place that Snow couldn't recall having killed innocents simply to escape.

"Don't worry little one," Astrid assured the unconscious Snow, who limply laid on the platform.

"I won't ever let my master be experimented on again."

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