This won't happen again....

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I was going over to the Cheeky mess band house for film night with Sara. When I arrived I knocked and there was no answer, I opened the door realizing someone must be in, "hello" I called, I heard a muffled voice coming from upstairs, so I walked up cautiously, I knocked on Sara's bedroom door which was closed, "Sara you in here" I opened the door to see her tied to the bed, she looked weak and her bottom lip was stained with blood, she looked helplessly at me, then I looked at the scratch marks on her side, made by someone, they were red and raw, and then I looked down to see the sheets stained with blood, I couldn't believe what I was seeing, "what happened" I asked walking over to her and untying her, she still had tears trickling down her face, "J-Justin, I-I couldn't s-stop him" she was shaking when she sat up, "what did he do?" I asked feeling anger build up inside of me, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to there was nothing I could do, I'm sorry, i'm sorry" she was panicking, "Sara slow down just tell me what he did" I knelt down on the floor and looked up at her as my hands rested just above her elbows, "he forced me had me on the bed he held me down and then he, he" the words weren't coming out of her mouth, she was sniffling as more tears ran down her face, "shh, shh It's okay I know, it's okay" I hugged her like a child and comforted her with my words, "Brad I'm scared" she mumbled into my neck, "I know, but don't worry, I'm gonna save you from him, I'll be here if he tries to hurt you again, This won't happen again, I promise" I was still holding her close as she wept on my shoulder, she just nodded slightly and sniffed up through her nose.

When Charlotte and the girls got back,Tia and Samantha ran upstairs with their stuff, so I didn't see them, me and Sara where on the sofa and she had fallen asleep on my lap, I was playing with a small bunch of her hair, and looking at her, just watching to make sure she was ok, "hey Brad" Charlotte whispered, "hiya, try and keep things as quiet as possible, Sara's sleeping" I continued to stroke her hair, "why? Is something wrong" Charlotte asked looking concerned, "Justin, he was here, he raped her, she's been quite heavily affected by it, she didn't stop crying for almost an hour" I said looking down at Sara and then back at Charlotte, "fucking hell, he had the nerve I'll fucking kill him" Charlotte scowled, she was really pissed off by the look on her face, "not if I kill him first" I looked at her sternly, "we can both kick his ass" Charlotte pointed at me and stormed into the kitchen, "agreed."


I text Tristan telling him what had happened, he replied 'don't worry, I'll sort it' so I replied, 'Careful bae he's pretty tough' I knew what Justin could be like, I've known him, I went to high school with Sara and him and he's abusive, Sara had broken her wrist in a fight with him and when they broke up, he told her he'd changed and that he loved her, but she didn't take him back, that's when he started to get so attached he would do anything just to see her, I always knew he was dangerous, I just didn't know how dangerous he was.


I was sat in the car with James outside Justin's house, James was furious, he didn't even break a smile, or try to lighten the mood, we where sat in silence, "so why didn't you tell Brad we where confronting him" I said breaking the silence, "he would wanna come and I don't want him to get hurt, he doesn't know Justin like I do" James crossed his arms and looked at me, "ah right, so how do you know Justin" I asked curious......

"well... me and Justin go way back, I mean, I knew him really well.... he was my best friend, we shared all our stories, I know all his weaknesses, and all of his strengths, and when he got with Sara I was really happy, until he started hitting her, Sara is like my sister, I look out for her more than anyone, so I confronted Justin on the matter and he told me it wasn't true, and... then I witnessed him do it, I fell out with him and he went to punch me, lets just say he ended up in hospital, I was the only one who knew how to bring him to his knees, and to this day no one on the school yard has beaten him in a fight all but me, he's scared of me, he trains and trains just so one day he can say he beat me in a fight, he's probably training right now, but he doesn't know my weakness, I've told it to no one, so no one can use it against me, I'm not prepared to lose a fight to anyone"

James finished and I realized how much Sara, James and Justin had been through, they all were close and James was very much the ringleader, he was the oldest so he dealt with the situations. 

That's when we saw Justin.

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