Weekend at Sara's (Saturday at the Beach)

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I woke up next to Sara looking down at myself "oh brad what did you do" I whispered to myself, then Sara started to wake up, I panicked and pretended to sleep, "oh my god" I hear her voice soft, "huh, not that bad, he's hot right" I heard her happy voice as the covers moved slightly, I then decided to open my eyes as I heard the door open and then close, I crept out of the bed and pulled my shorts and top from the floor.

I walked downstairs got my rucksack and then went into he bathrom to change as I walked past the living room I saw Charlotte and tristan snuggled up together on the sofa I smiled slightly and continued to the bathroom.

I walked out of the bathroom with clothes on ready for the day ahead, we where going to the beach and it would take about 45 minutes to get there as James was driving us in his car which was still here from his last visit, he's the only one of  who can drive, "hey Brad I thi we eed to talk" Sara's voice brought me back to rality, "y-yea sure" I said as she led me bck up the stairs.

"about last night" Sara said locking the door, "yeah, did we-" "yes we did" Sara cut in smiling slightly, "oooh dayum" I looked down in shock, "did we use-"  "surprisingly yes" Sara looked up at me smiling slightly, "hey Brad, I like you, I like you a lot actually but I don't want to ruin our friendship so, if we do you know carry on we need to promise that we'll always be friends, because I don't wanna lose you as a friend" Sara smiled, "I don't wanna lose you as a friend either" I smiled at her and kissed hercheek as she tok upmy hands, "so we're gonna get together then" Sara smiled cheekily at me, "yeah" I smiled back nd kissed her softly on te lips, "and Brad can we kep this on a low 'cos I think if Justin found out he'd hurt one of us, an it would more than likey be you" she tilted herhead slightly, "well, yeah but in assembly you told himwe were dating" I smiled confused, "well, I'll just tell him itdin't work out, you were to low for me, if you know wat I mean" she said standing up, "ah thanks" I smiled sarcastically, "no, he wont believe me if I say you were out of my leage, dispite Justin's flaws he knows who's in hs league and not" she smiled at me and brred her head ito my neck, "okayyou do whatever you have to" I kissed the top of her head.

"Come on guys" James called to us stood by his car as we all made our way towards him, Jams thentook Tia's bg and kissed her just in front of her ear, "guys is there something goin on between you two" Sara looked at them smiling, "no not at all" James said as he tok Sara's bag and kissed hr in front of the ear, "see even you got one" James smiled a little awkwardly at her as she got ino the large vehicle, it was a 4x4 with eight sets just perfect, James drove with Tia in the passengers seat, Me Tristan and Charlotte in the middle, and then Sara, Connor and Samantha at the back.

"Tristan if you and Charlotte make out any closer to me we'll be one person" I said shoving them off me as Sara laughed hystrically, "naww Brad you can join the threesome" Tristan smiled hugging me and pulling me in hard. 

Finally after being a witness of an extreame make out sesion we arived at the beach.

The girls lay towels down and just collapsed onto them, "who's coming in the sea" Tristan looked at the sea and then at all of us, "yeah I'll come" all us boys said in horus, "girls" Tristan question, "um.. maybe later" Charlotte smiled at them, "yeah maybe later boys" Samantha said putting her sunglasses over her eyes, "I'll come" Tia smiled jumping up from her towel and standing next to James, "yeah I'll come too" Sara stood up, "giirll take dat skirt off" Tristan smiled at her, "Tris" Charlotte smiled at him, "what, sorry I couldn't resist" Tristan smiled, "oooooh dayum" all the boys smiled at Sara as she slid the skirt down her legs, all the girls smiled,"right come on" Sara smiled holding my hand, "so there is something going on between you" Tristan looked at us, "yeah but you can't tell no one, I don't want Justin to find out" Sara looked at me and then the rest of us, " yeah sure thang" Tristan smiled at her and clicked his fingers, "come on time to get wet" Connor jumped up and down excitedly, "Con' if you do that before sex, you're gonna be forever a virgin" Tia looked at him concerned, everyone then laughed, "last one to the sea licks teachers nipples" Tristan yelled before dashing off to the sea followed by everyone else, I ran like shit, "looks like Connor licks teachers nipples" Tristan said kicking water at him, "well if it was the fit supply we had the other day I don't care" Connor smiled, we then all started to walk further in until it was upto my knees, "wow this is pretty deep" Sara said looking down as the water was half way up her thigs, "no Sara you're just a short arse" Tristan said looking at his legs which had water covering half of his shin, "fine you wanna go deeper we will" Sara said walking further into the cold water, "wow this is cold on my crotch" Sara said rubbing her arms, "aww come here" I said lifting her up so her legs were wrapped around me, "why thank you" She said pecking my lips, "oh don't thank me yet"  I said walking deeper, "no Brad don't you dare" Sara screeched clinging onto me more, "Drop her Brad" Tristan laughed, "no thats mean" I looked at her and then Tristan, "listen to me Brad drop her, I'm the oldest" James smiled at me, "PLEASE BRAD DO-" Sara yelled as I dropped her in the water, "THAT'S FUCKING FREAZING" Sara yelled at me wiping he eyes and wiping the hair out of her face, "oh well" everyone laughed, "soorrryy" I said turning around to face the others and away from Sara, everyone was then laughing and pointing, "what" I turned around, the nextthing I knew I was surounded by freezing water, I stood up quickly and looked at Sara who was practically weeng herself laughing as was everyone else, "y-you b-bitch" I said my teeth chattering together, "what's wrong you cold" Sara said pouting, "I love you in the weirdest way right now" I looked at her as I walked over and picked her up again, "please don't drop me" she smiled, "no not this time" I smiled as I kissed her., "guys stop with the face eating" Tristan said in disgused.

We where all packing up to get ready for off, we where going to stay in a hotel ready for thorpe park tomorrow, Iwas really excited.

It was going dark and everyone but me tris and James kept yawning, "you tired bae" I said to Sara as she rested her head on my chest, she nodded and yawed again, "come on guys the sooner we get to this hotel the sooner we can sleep" James said opening two doors to his car and allowing people to climb in.

When we arrived at the hotel Sara had fallen asleep on my chest, I think stroking her hair for the first half an hour of the trip was a bad idea, "Sara" I shook her slightly but she didn't wake up, "Brad do you want me to carry her to your room" James asked, "um.. no I can manage she's pretty light" I looked at her then james and smiled, "I'll carr your things then" James smiled walking to the boot of the car.

We all walked to reception me carrying Sara bridal style, we then walked to the desk, "hi we've got two double bed rooms under the names McVey and Lenehan" James said to the woman at the desk, "yeah just sign here" The woman said handing James a piece of paper, "here" he handed her the paper, "and could Miss Lenehan sign here please" the woman handed him another piece of paper and then James looked at me as I regained my grip of Sara, "um... a can we do this in the morning, she's kinda there" James pointed to Sara, "oh right, then sure just make sure she does sign it" the woman smiled "don't worry we will" James handed the piece of paper back as she handed him two keys that were next door to each other, "where are we" I asked regaining my grip of Sara again, "3rd floor rooms 126 and 127" Tristan said looking at the cards, "there had better be an elevator in here then, "yeah its over there" Connor pointed to two silver doors, "come on then" I said walking towards them.

Whilst in the elevator James kept smiling at me, "what" I looked at him, "you look so sweet together" he smiled cheesily, "inno" I smiled back.

When we got to our rooms we decided it would be me Sara Charlotte and Tristan in one room and the others in the other room, Tristan opened the door with the key card and walked to the double bed and collapsed onto it, "ahhhh this is good" he smiled, "Tris help me get Sara into bed" I said trying to gesture to the bed, "alrighty" he said in a cheesy farmer accent, he then lifted up the covers and I lay Sara down took her shoes off and put the cover over her gently, "naww you're such a sweet boy" Tristan did his little girl voice and I giggled, "so who's sleeping where" Tristan smiled, "are you serious Tris, I'm going with Sara end of" I smiled at him and pointed to Sara "okie dokie then, thats sorted" he said walking over to Charlotte and pulling the covers back, "lemme get changed first Tris" she smiled walking into the en suite bathroom, "I'll be waiting" he smiled at her cheekily and winked, "Imma going next" I looked at Tris seriously, "okay then."

After changing I climbed in next to Sara who rolled over in her sleep to face me, I kissed her nose and then closed my eyes, "Tristan stop snoring."

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