Last Period...

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It was last period and I was in the music room with Sara and Connor.

"Sara, Bradley, Connor and Charlotte" You can go as one four, the teacher announced as he put us into groups of four, "so today we're going to have two lead singers and two back up vocals, the best band is singing in assembly tomorrow and the media crew are making you an album that anyone in the college can purchase as well as parents but it will only be available to purchase from the college", there was a loud commotion as Andrew our music teacher finished speaking, he had explained that whomever won would have to choose another 4 songs to learn to go on the mini album, I was getting so excited, the group gathered and we all got on well the only person I didn't know was Charlotte, she was really nice and had a beautiful voice, "So what are we going to sing and Andy said we can use instruments too so we can all choose one to play."

In the end we all decided to sing Trouble by Taylor Swift, "So who wants to be a lead vocals person", Sara asked, "well why don't we have one girl and one boy", Connor suggested, "yeah sure", Sara smiled "so Brad I think you should do it out of us boys because you proved your voice was amazing last night" Connor smiled at me, "Connor that sounded wrong on so many levels" Sara giggled to herself."Don't mind her she has the rudest mind on the planet" Charlotte smirked "but yeah Brad you're really talented" Sara smiled at me, "well yeah I'll do it if you want me to" "we do want you to" Connor smiled, causing everyone to giggled, "so Charlotte do you want to do it for us" Sara asked Charlotte, "if you don't mind I think I'll just stick to my drum kit and back up vocals" Charlotte smiled shyly, "okay then looks like its me and you Brad" Sara smiled, "I'll just ask Andy which practice room we should use, Charlotte you want your drums right" Sara asked pointing to Charlotte, "yeah" she smiled, "Connor what do you want?" "thats a joke right?" Connor smiled, "so Connor's on Bass and Brad do you want a guitar same as me or something else" "um... I'm best at guitar so guitar" I smiled at her as she walked off, "dude thats her ass you're staring at" Connor nudged me, "w-what um.. no i wasn't staring" I went slightly red, "ok whatever you say" he giggled.

We where in practice room 2 and there was a full drum kit and a bass guitar already set up, Connor and Charlotte ran to there instruments and Charlotte sat down excitedly, "Brad I'll just get two guitars for us okay" she smiled at me and then walked out.

"She luurves you" Charlotte smiled childishly, "what" I looked at her confused, "she likes you, you've taken her fancy so to speak" Charlotte grinned still, "what are you talking about no she doesn't" I shook my head and looked away, "yeah she does she gave you the look" Charlotte smiled at Connor then winked, "ooh the look" Connor smiled, "well thats not a problem he cant keep his eyes of her" Connor grinned at me, "neither can anyone else" Charlotte huffed unhappily, "it doesn't matter anyway she's way outta my league" I looked away messing with Charlotte's symbols, "she still likes-" "Brad do you want the blue or the red one" Sara walked in and everyone looked at her stopping from speaking, "what's wrong" she smiled at us "nothing, I'll take the red one" I smiled at her taking the red guitar from her hand, "so we all know how to play this right and which bits we're doing" Sara looked at us all, "yeah" we all replied, "so Brad you know where to sing right?" she smiled at me, "Yup" I nodded adjusting the microphone to my height as did Sara, "anyone would think I'm six foot" I said causing everyone to laugh "well I'm not exactly the tallest" Sara smiled making me laugh slightly and go a little red "Is everyones microphones at the right height now" Sara looked at us all again "yeah lets get on with this" Charlotte demanded, "right ok after 4. 1,2,3,4."

CC- Connor + Charlotte
SB- Sara + Brad
A- All

S: Once upon a time a few mistakes ago
I was in your sights, you got me alone
CC: You found me, you found me, you found me
S: I guess you didn't care, and I guess I liked that
And when I fell hard you took a step back
CC: Without me, without me, without me

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