Choosing the Covers.....

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After seeing Sara Kissing Justin outside of the photography room, I just couldn't look at her straight, I sat silently through lunch and now I had to choose covers with her and the others so I walked slowly to the music room.

"Brad there you are we're waiting for you" Sara walked over to me smiling but I just ignored her, she pulled on my arm, "come on" "get off" I pulled my arm away from her, "what's wrong" her face changed from smiling to confused, "what's wrong with me?" I asked angrily huffing, "yeah what's wrong with you" she gritted her teeth together her temper rising, "I don't know, its you who can't keep your toungue to yourself" I yelled at her, "what the fuck are you on about" I could see her eyes beginning to get a little red and puffy as one tear slid down her cheek, "I saw you and Justin snogging after the photoshoot" I yelled walking off, "No, Brad it wasn't what it looked like" she chased me, "oh really, well it looked pretty real to me" I continued to the music room and pushed through the door as hard as I could, "ok just hear me o-" "Sara Brad lets get to work" a woman named Emma said sitting down with the other two as we joined them, "so guys we need another 4 songs to complete your mini album, "well me and Sara were thinking you know Amnesia" Charlotte smiled at the teacher, "yeah thats good, what do you guys think" Emma asked, Connor nodded and me and Sara grunted in agreement, "so that's one song now we need 3 more."

In the end we decided our four songs would be

-Amnesia, 5sos

-Me and My broken heart, Rixton

-Heart made up on you, R5

-Easy Love, R5

"So that's it for today, you need to come back here tomorrow so we can record the songs, and once we've finished recording I've been told you have till Friday off" Emma said before we left, I nodded and then stormed off to find James and Tris waiting outside mine and Connor's room, "hey Brad, w-what's up" James stopped himself and smiled at me slightly, "nothing, what do you need?" I smiled at him, opening the door and allowing them in, "well, you know that me and Tris have Wednesday off and we where just wondering when your next day off is" James smiled excitedly at me, "well actually tomorrow we are recording the songs and then we have till Friday off, but we're gonna go in on Thursday to preview the album why?" I smiled at him confused, "well me and Tris where gonna go to his in Devon, and if you and Con, are free it means we can do a new cover, you can bring Sara" James smiled as my face changed, "I'd rather Sara not be there" I huffed unhappily, "why what's wrong" James' smile disappeared, "she's a cheating bitch that's what's wrong" I ran my hand through my hair, "what, she cheated, that doesn't sound like her at all, she's always been really loyal to others" James looked away from me confused, "well I must be her first, I saw her having her face chewed off by Justin" I said sitting down on my bed heavily, "Justin, but she hates him, what the hell is she doing kissing him" Tristan entered the conversation, "I have no fucking idea but I saw it" I ran my hand through my hair again but this time putting my hands over my face, "well, your coming with me and Tris to Devon to get over her, we'll have a guys weekend" James smiled, "I'm already over her, but yeah sure" I looked at him and smiled, "wow that was fast good boy" Tristan smiled at me and we all giggled as Connor walked in, "Connor you're coming to Devon with us this weekend" James looked at Connor, "ooo yippee weekend at Tris'" Connor said in his little girls voice, "wow this will be the most manly weekend ever" Tristan looked at Connor in disapproval and Connor looked at him confused.

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